sidroth on October 26th, 2019

Tommy: And they would raise this paschal lamb like a pet, uh, they would raise this paschal lamb-no blemish, no, no… The eyeballs were all perfect, the skin was perfect, the- everything about this lamb was perfect the hooves were perfect in every way. And because every one of the families of the children of […]

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sidroth on October 16th, 2019

Larry Sparks: Well hello, this is “Something More” and I’m your host Larry Sparks. Now today, we have an exciting program. [music ends] I want to talk about, what does it mean, to walk in the power of the age to come, in the here and now. You heard me, the age to come. Obviously, […]

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sidroth on October 6th, 2019

SID: So Jennifer had the dead places in her heart awakened and that allowed her to feel again all that God wanted her to feel, to have the compassion for all the people, to host the glory of God, easily. And there’s so many people that the world, the flesh and the devil has just […]

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