sidroth on July 28th, 2023

HAKEEM: And there are even some people that are even right now that are watching that I believe that God wants to really unlock some things! It will take the prophetic word to unlock your destiny. It will take the word of God, the mind of God concerning you to begin to cause you to […]

Continue reading about Our Guests Hakeem Collins and Naim Collins

sidroth on July 17th, 2023

PAT: You know the Bible says, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we get to be called His child.” There’s somebody that’s watching right now by camera, and their dad either never showed up or dad walked out or all of those different things and yet they are in […]

Continue reading about Our Guest Dave Hayes

sidroth on July 5th, 2023

DAVE: Praying for decades for darkness to be exposed in government and we are now seeing in these days the answer to those prayers! We’re watching it happen right now! We’ve been praying for darkness to be exposed and it is being exposed and we’re seeing it happen! PAT: You know I believe with all […]

Continue reading about Our Guest Dave Hayes