PAT: You know the Bible says, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we get to be called His child.” There’s somebody that’s watching right now by camera, and their dad either never showed up or dad walked out or all of those different things and yet they are in a frozen state. They are in a state of the moment the pain struck. Speak to that. Almost theophosticly. Speak to that moment when they began to die instead of live.   

DAVE: Yeah. Well, one of the things that I would encourage people to do is to learn how to trust. First trust Jesus personally.

PAT: That’s good.

DAVE: Allow Jesus to take away the pain, the loneliness, the fear, the sadness, the anger, the disappointment that you’ve had because of your lack of a good father figure. And then ask the Father to reveal Himself to you as He really is and you will have an encounter with the Father! A positive encounter. A loving encounter. I guarantee it if you ask Him to meet you in that wounded place, He’ll meet you there and He’ll show you who He really is!

PAT: You know I just love to see when people begin to represent God right. I think for years even in the church the very concept of Father has been taught wrong and obviously, we haven’t all read the resume of God. You know John 14 is a great resume. “He will not leave you as an orphan.” Speak to the orphan spirit on camera right now! And talk to those that feel like how can God love me? I’ve made too many mistakes or I’ve been through bad things. Speak to those people.

DAVE: He has already forgiven! He has already forgotten! He says as, you know, they’ve been thrown into the sea, cast into the bottom of the sea. I remember them no more as far as the east is from the west. God is not remembering counting your sins against you! He is not punishing you because you’ve made mistakes! He wants you to understand that He has already forgiven you! He loves you unconditionally! And He is waiting for you to step toward Him like the prodigal son. As soon as the prodigal son turned toward the father, the father ran toward him! 

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