sidroth on January 14th, 2021

KYLE: Just a prompting of the Holy Spirit. BRUCE: Yeah. And so here’s the thing with Tim. This is the most important part of the story. Tim would say that God did not talk to him. Tim would say this all the time. Oh, you’re so lucky. You get words of knowledge. You’re so lucky […]

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sidroth on January 6th, 2021

The person who fears God says I want to be so far away, so close to Dad, so close to my Daddy, that I’m so close to Him I can’t even see that line of sin. Okay? That’s the attitude they have. You understand what I’m saying, they’re not saying how close can I get […]

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sidroth on January 1st, 2021

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Ivan Tuttle. Ivan, you’ve had some encounters that few people on Earth have had in the invisible realm. You were raised in a Christian home. IVAN: Yes. SID: You even went down the altar and accepted Jesus, but you quickly left the things of God. It had a lot […]

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