sidroth on October 25th, 2020

SID: What I’m hearing you say, “It’s just a little storm because the Kingdom of God is about ready to take over.” Our next segment, Johnny will pray and many will receive instantly a supernatural sign from God in your physical body as to which of the seven mountains you are called to. Next. SID: […]

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sidroth on October 17th, 2020

ROBERT: Well, in the realm we’re talking about blessing and prosperity can come. I mean, Sid, I have just been amazed. I have been absolutely amazed at the ideas that used to wouldn’t work, but now they work. The concepts, the principles. It’s just been an amazing thing where all of a sudden things began […]

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sidroth on October 1st, 2020

DENNIS: Close your eyes. By the way, this is a good one for pastors. If a person struggles with the assurance of their salvation, do exactly what I’m doing to Jennifer. The assurance of their… “I think I’m saved. I said the prayer.” Okay, right while your hand is down there, “Behold what manner of […]

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