sidroth on June 25th, 2022

SID: I’m here with Max Davis. And for those that are not familiar with Max, he is a best-selling author. He’s had 39 books published. He’s got two degrees. When you were a young kid, did you always want to be a journalist? MAX: No. Actually, I had a 1.5 GPA going into my senior […]

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sidroth on June 15th, 2022

SID: He wants to become your all in all. He wants to give you a purpose, I jump in your step. He wants you to be his child and know it, and demonstrate his kingdom. Repeat this prayer out loud with me right now. Dear God. Audience: Dear God. KYNAN: I’ve made many mistakes. Audience: […]

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sidroth on June 5th, 2022

DIANE: Do y’all believe watching right now? Because the glory of the Lord is in this place, and it is getting thicker. [crosstalk] SID: Are you saying that, or do you actually see it? DIANE: I see it. I see it, and some of y’all can look right, and I can see it. Some of […]

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