DIANE: Do y’all believe watching right now? Because the glory of the Lord is in this place, and it is getting thicker. [crosstalk]

SID: Are you saying that, or do you actually see it?

DIANE: I see it. I see it, and some of y’all can look right, and I can see it. Some of you on the camera you can probably see it, as well. You can see a fuzziness, maybe a smoke, like a mist. And so we have to believe, but then we need to anticipate. I always tell people [crosstalk]

SID: That is so important. Don’t you miss it. That word anticipate. What are you expecting? It’s not in the Bible, but I’m making this up. You have not because you expect not.

DIANE: When we anticipate on something, we know it’s going to happen. Anticipation is the acceleration for the demonstration of the manifestation of God’s Word.

SID: Now, that’s a mouthful.

DIANE: Do you want me to say it again?

SID: Yeah, say it again.

DIANE: Okay, so anticipation is the acceleration for the manifestation of the demonstration of God’s Word and His will.

SID: I got it. Don’t ask me to repeat it.

DIANE: We’ve got to anticipate because that means we know. When you anticipate, you know it’s going to happen. We have to know God’s Word is true. He said that His glory was going to cover the earth, but he said that the knowledge of his glory would fill the earth just like the waters.

SID: Tell us two more accelerants.

DIANE: We have to choose to walk in love. And whether you want to or not, you have to love. You have to forgive people because love releases victory. And when we forgive too, as we forgive, that releases the power of God. When we love people and forgive people, we open up a door, actually for the glory of God to show up and to work a miracle that would not come otherwise.

DIANE: I learned that with the experience with my father. In walking in love and forgiveness towards him, the glory of God showed up, Sid. And you know what? He didn’t want to have nothing to do with God. He was an alcoholic for over 60 years. But because the glory of God showed up, he gave his heart to the Lord three weeks before he passed away.

SID: Diane, what is it like? I know what it’s like to feel the glory, but what is it like to feel the glory 24/7 when you sleep? When you go out to a restaurant, when you go to work, when you go to a store, what is that like?

DIANE: Well, I’m just being overcome by His glory right now because it’s such an honor to walk and to live in that glory because I’m always aware of Father God being with me. When we yield to Him and just love Him and let Him be the father to us that he wants to be, and His glory shows up, things happen. I’m very humbled, very honored.

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