sidroth on February 25th, 2020

SID: Andre, you were telling me the most fascinating thing about human DNA and music that God has built in. Tell me about that. ANDRE: Well, they’ve taken our DNA and they’ve stretch it out and they made it into musical notation. And so inside of us, there’s a song written in our DNA that […]

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sidroth on February 16th, 2020

SID: So, Robin, you have a great night’s sleep and you wake up– ROBIN: That’s right. SID: And you feel tired, you feel oppressed. It shouldn’t be, why? ROBIN: Well, Sid, I was going to speak in a conference that weekend, and that’s just what happens sometimes, you have this warfare, the enemy doesn’t want […]

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sidroth on February 6th, 2020

RYAN: And you teach people that you may not get this heavenly experience where you’re taken to heaven, but stay in presence. LAURIE: Oh buddy. RYAN: Talk about this. LAURIE: Oh. There is nothing better. You know that place where you’re worshipping, and, all of a sudden, somebody at church is like, “Excuse me. I […]

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