sidroth on September 18th, 2009

SID: Hello, Sid Roth here, welcome to my world where it is naturally supernatural. That rarified air from heaven, it is going to flow through your television, through your video, I love being in the – that’s my oxygen. Heaven air is my oxygen. And you can have normal oxygen; I like my oxygen. My […]

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sidroth on September 11th, 2009

SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Tommy Welchel, and I am having so much fun, listen how would you have liked to have been alive a hundred years ago when what was called the Azusa Street Revival broke out? More major creative miracles, I mean teeth materializing, body parts materializing, and I have this book […]

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sidroth on September 4th, 2009

SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Tommy Welchel, and Tommy, during the commercial break you were telling me some outrageous things, you have seen people that were born with harelips where their lips were split and they have pretty good plastic surgery today, but back the time of Azusa Street Revival they didn’t have pretty […]

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