HAKEEM: And there are even some people that are even right now that are watching that I believe that God wants to really unlock some things! It will take the prophetic word to unlock your destiny. It will take the word of God, the mind of God concerning you to begin to cause you to bring forth, to birth forth! There’s a prophetic breakthrough that’s coming to you right now! I’m telling you right now even you say “well I don’t know what prophecy is.” “I don’t know what – you know I never received a prophecy from a prophet or I don’t know.” But whatever you’re believing God for whether it’s a miracle, whether it’s a healing, whether it’s financial breakthrough I believe the word of the Lord is coming today right now and to meet you right where you are! And the Lord knows your address and I’m telling you, you’re in this season right now to give forth birth, to bring forth the promises of God and today is your season!

KYNAN: Mmm! Wow! In Jesus’ name! 


KYNAN: You know while you were talking I was reminded, the Lord dropped in my spirit the prophet Daniel.


KYNAN: And one of the things, when we look at the life of Daniel is that the scripture tells us when we look at Daniel chapter 9, “He was reading the scroll which was written by a prophet.”

HAKEEM: Right.

KYNAN: You know this was a prophecy concerning Israel. And as he was reading this prophetic word it prompted him to pray in another dimension!

NAIM: Uh-huh!

KYNAN: And as he begins to pray everything that was held up in the heavenly realm begin to be released!


NAIM: Yes!

KYNAN: And when the angel comes he says you know there was warfare going on.


KYNAN: There were things happening in the atmosphere. So we see that the prophetic releases things into the atmosphere.

HAKEEM: Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

KYNAN: It releases things that have been locked up, delayed, stagnated. Things that people have prayed about, that they’ve never been able to enter into the manifestation of. And the prophecy seems to be that key that unlocks breakthrough. That unlocks release.

HAKEEM: That’s right.

KYNAN: That unlocks healing.

NAIM: Absolutely!

KYNAN: You know and it’s very profound because we have a whole generation that has never fully understood the power of the prophetic!


KYNAN: And I believe that that’s why that the prophetic has been under so much attack, under so much scrutiny.

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