CLARICE: “Couldn’t find the words anywhere, you know, to sing with ‘em!”And he says, “And then when they were singin’ in English it was all about blood!” There was blood in the fountain! There was blood to make you white! There was blood. It was the bloodiest song service I ever heard in my life!

Audience: [laughter]

CLARICE: Turn to your neighbor and say, “We’ve not been this way before!”

Audience: We’ve not been this way before!

CLARICE: He says, “Well.” He said, “As soon as the Greek and Hebrew choir quit singing,” he said, he said, “Clarice, it just made the hair stand on the back of my neck! They’re really good!” And I said, “They are?” And he says, “Yeah! And they had three men that had memorized the King James Bible!” And I said, “Really?” And he said, “Yeah, because after the choir sang they’d say, ëYea! Thus sayeth the Lord thy God, for my hand is upon these people.’” He said, “Man! They are incredible!”

Audience: [laughing]

CLARICE: And he says, “I think it could be culturally enriching if you go back with me! They’re going to have a meeting today!” At this point, God turns to the 24 elders and He says, “You boys come watch this!”

Audience: [laughing] Hallelujah!

CLARICE: Enjoy! [laughs]

Audience: [laughing]

CLARICE: So we go to the meeting. Now George is in the real estate business and we were known as the “Affluent Fluitt’s!” And I was much younger and much cuter! And so [laughs] I didn’t have good sense and I had a skirt on that was almost there. And they –

Audience: [laughing]

CLARICE: Oh, it was just awful! It was just awful! And those were the days that Pentecostals believed God could do anything except saving a Catholic! So when we come in they all know who we are! We’re going to the Holiday Inn and they – I mean I told my husband, I said, “If one more man hugs you, we’re going to have to leave!” I mean you know because everybody was wanting to get their hand on. We were Mission Impossible. You know they wanted to be a part of this and they’d come and say, “Hey, brother! How you doin’?” and then hug his neck. And I thought “Wow! What a strange place this is! All this lovin’ goin’ on!” And they’d bump into you. I know that they were tryin’ to cast the devil out of us! I understand they were – 

Audience: [laughing]

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