SID: A few months after you arrived in prison, you’re a non-believer, God uses you in healing. Explain.

DAVID:: God set me up. I think when God has a call on your life, it’s really difficult to mess it up. What happened was, I was divinely positioned in a prison cell in building 63 in Leavenworth Penitentiary where the Birdman of Alcatraz actually had his birds.

SID: Oh.

DAVID:: It wasn’t in California. It was in Leavenworth penitentiary in Kansas. At that time had cockroaches. It was cement and metal. It was absolutely miserable. So I went from penthouses to the prison house in the penitentiary, in what they referred to as the SHU, the solitary housing unit. And here we were. There was a man in my cell. His name was Shane. Shane had five compression fractures and three blown discs in his back. My co-defendant Vic was a chiropractor, a licensed chiropractor that used to see a hundred patients a week. He couldn’t help Shane because of the broken back.

Every day, Shane would listen to a radio preacher, and he would pray the prayer of faith, and nothing would happen. Finally one day, Vic says to Shane, “You have the back of a decrepit, 85 year old man in bad health. Shane, you will always have back problems regardless of medical treatment.” And Shane looked back at Vic. He said, “I don’t receive that. I believe God will heal me. And I’m waiting on my miracle.” Thirty minutes later, the radio broadcast comes on, and I looked at poor miserable Shane. He had his headphones on. And I said, “God, if you’re real, I’m not asking for myself, I’m asking for Shane who claims to be your servant. I’m asking you to heal him right now.”

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