AUDIENCE: Who cares how you get it.

TONY: …just as long as you get it.

AUDIENCE: Just as long as you get it.

TONY: Actually in the original language when Jesus said lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover, the Greek word for recover means that from the moment hands are laid on ya, you will get better and better until you are completely well. Is there another change? Father, touch joints, touch bones and bring her healing to completion and Lord, let the pain fade away in Jesus’ name. You get to stay right there. And we’re going to let you because you the oldest sit. She said Oh, yeah! But schooch over so she can jump in with ya because she’s tiny! I was that size when I was born!


TONY: Stretch forth your hand towards those with back conditions and touch, touch somebody who needs a healing. That’s all right. Just go ahead and touch them. Father in the name of Jesus we release healing grace into every person standing. Be healed in the mighty name of Jesus. You may be seated. I‘m going to do this real quick and then we’re going to do some praise and worship. Uh, who’s having pressure behind an eye? Stand up and you ‘ll be healed right now. Pressure behind an eye. Stand up. You ‘ll be healed right now. Do you have that pressure now? (woman speaking without microphone) Do you have that pressure now?

WOMAN #7: I don’t feel it right now.

TONY: You don’t feel it. And sister, you stood because of? Okay. So let’s stretch forth your hands and let’s pray for their healing. In the name of Jesus I curse these eye diseases! Die, dissipate, and disappear from their bodies! I command glaucoma. Disappear! I command the pressure and all the reason for the pressure be gone and stay gone! And Lord this degeneration disappear! I command total restoration of their eyes now in Jesus name! Lift up your hands and give God a praise!


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