And I have been waiting with baited breath to find out in what way Professor Maxwell Mehlman and his team of law professors had actually used human subjects for establishing tests to genetically modify mankind as a part of the next step in evolution. Well so far no report has been made public. Now a report had to be filed because that was a part of the contingency of the grant that was given to them. So so far the public is hidden. But there is kind of a tell here. Because from the day that they finished this 24 month period, Professor Maxwell Mehlman begin travelling the United States of America where he now is going to our universities and our halls of education and he is giving two specific lectures. Both of these lectures on are Trans-humanism and the Future of Democracy and they literally outline a plan in which…by the way do this too.

Go to Google and type in Maxwell Mehlman and his lectures because you can go to Arizona State University, other universities and they have the podcasts there of his presentations and you can listen to them for yourself. And the last one I listened to, one of the students said I’ve understood that part of the trans-humanist dream could represent an existential risk. That means it could wipe out all life on earth and Professor, uh, Mehlman admits it. He says, Yes, the road we’re going down could indeed lead to the eradication of all life on earth.

But the genie’s out of the bottle. There’s no way to put it back in. We’re already doing it and there’s no way to stop. This train has already left the building. So it’s astonishing, uh, what some of these guys have admitted. Okay, now I have to go a whole lot faster than that if I’m going to get this done in whatever time I got. But if you’re sitting here tonight and, uh, if, uh, you find that you’re feeling a little bit envious of your Ohio brethren and sisteren, yes I did say sisteren, feeling like maybe they’re getting the leg up on you a little bit here in North Carolina, no fear, North Carolina is one of the top locations in the world for the creation of genetically modified organisms, genetically modified animals, genetically modified crops.

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