DALE: Yes. I started to write on the prophetic to be on your show actually, and what happened, God is a little bit Jehovah sneaky, and I started writing…

SID: I’ve never heard that name.

DALE: Yes, he’s also Jehovah surprise.

SID: Jehovah sneaky and surprise. I got to add those to my list.

DALE: Yes. But anyway, what would happen is I would start to write… I only knew about 50% of the book. The anointing would come down on me, and I could actually write under that anointing sometimes up to four hours, sometimes as short as 15 minutes. When it would lift, I would stop writing. The amazing part was, in the morning I would look at the words and I would have to change the words to articulate what He showed me in the spirit realm.

SID: I’ve read a great deal of this book. It’s not just knowledge, it’s really revelation.

DALE: And Sid, if we don’t have revelation of God, we will not have a revelation of who He made us. I do not find my identity looking in a mirror, I find my identity looking in the face of my Father. And some of you that feel lost right now, if you will look in the face of Father God, you’re going to realize when He created you, He put part of His genius in you. And when you move in that identity, you draw the anointing, you draw the God happenings, and literally, you bring glory to His name.

Audience: Amen.

SID: You made a statement, I think this kind of capsulizes what we’re talking about, he says, “Until we change what’s inside of us, nothing will change around us.” What do you mean? At the beginning of the program I talked about re-vision our life. What are you talking about?

DALE: Well, David is out keeping the sheep. He’s a shepherd. While he’s out there he’s anointed to be the next King of Israel. I do not believe he really was good with the harp or the lion and bear until he was anointed. The anointing gave him victories over the lion and bear, but he practiced the harp, then he became a musician who drove the demons off of King Saul, then he became a warrior because, and this is key, when he ran toward Goliath, a shepherd, he walked away a warrior. If you do not allow victories to change your identity, you’ve missed the genius of heaven.

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