MARY: And as long as they don’t attack politicians we won’t come after their tax-exempt status. Now what is so sad about that is churches do not need a tax-exempt status.

KYNAN: That’s correct. 

MARY: They are already tax exempt!

KYNAN: That’s right. Uh-huh!

MARY: But they took the bait. Swallowed it and as result, the Church didn’t become involved with when prayer was being taken out of schools. Where was the Church? Silent!


MARY: Didn’t want to get politically involved. Didn’t want to lose that tax exempt status that they had. So the next thing you know what’s happening? Abortion!


MARY: You know? Abortions began to pass.


MARY: Where was the Church? Well, a little bit of, rise up from the Church but nothing to the power that the Church could have arisen. Why was that? Didn’t want to lose that tax exempt status.


MARY: You know the money! Didn’t want to lose that money, you know? So when the Church quit acting as the Church, the Church began to transfer its thoughts. Well, I’ll let the government take care of it. So now all of a sudden the government becomes the operation that was supposed to be the Church!

KYNAN: Right. Right.

MARY: Now what’s happening right now? Donald Trump signed an executive order loosing the churches!


MARY: You will not lose your tax-exempt status by getting politically involved!

KYNAN: Yeah.

MARY: What does that mean? You now, as a preacher have the freedom to stand in your pulpit and speak your mind. Say what God tells you about any candidate to your parishioners. Let them know! Listen, you need to stay away from this guy. He is crooked or she’s crooked or they’re evil and they go against the principles of God. You as a pastor have now been loosed to do what God has anointed you to do without any fear –

KYNAN: Umm.  

MARY: Of government repercussion.

KYNAN: Right. Right.

MARY: Now it’s because of that Donald Trump has unhandcuffed the Church and we have a moment now, Church, this is our season to get engaged! This is our chance to make a difference and change the culture of America!

KYNAN: You know you said a comment earlier about the Church being the moral compass of society. I like to see the Church as not a thermometer but a thermostat! 

MARK: Uh-huh.

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