MARY: See the enemy likes to keep bringing up things of his past to let you think that this is who he is. That is not who he is! Imagine if someone walked around in your life with videotapes and recordings of you before you had the revelation of Christ and knowing who you are in Christ. Imagine if someone’s constantly throwing those things –


MARY: To your family, your friends, and people. What kind of chance do you think you would feel like you had to want to walk in this new person that you really know that you now are?

KYNAN: Yes. Yes.

MARY: And that would be a really frustrating thing. Well, that’s what’s going on with Donald Trump right now.

KYNAN: Well let me ask you this. Why do you think there is this perception? I know we – I think I know part of your answer but I want to kind of ask for our audience again.

MARY: Uh-huh.

KYNAN: Why do you think there is this negative perception especially even among some within the Christian community? What do you think lends itself to that?

MARY: Well part of it is because he’s still got, rough language. [laughs] You know?

KYNAN: Yeah.

MARY: He still has some of the queen’s character in his character.

KYNAN: Yeah.

MARY: But what I say to people I said listen, if you have a problem with someone with some rough language then you’re going to have a problem with Jesus!


MARY: Because He spoke to the Pharisees and Sadducees and said you vipers, you snakes!

KYNAN: Yeah.

MARY: And He referred to Herod as a fox.

KYNAN: Yeah. Yeah.

MARY: And then there’s the account of the woman He called a dog!

KYNAN: Right. [laughs] Yes.

MARY: And so I mean you know if you want to find offense, you’ll find offense.

KYNAN: Yeah.

MARY: And anything. But the thing about Donald Trump, and I think which alludes to part of the prophecy that God gave to him, is that he’s a man of his word!   


MARY: He says what he means and he means what he says!


MARY: Well what character does that imitate?


MARY: Who is that? God!

KYNAN: Yeah! Yeah!

MARY: God says what He means and He means what He says!

KYNAN: Yeah! Yeah!

MARY: So I believe that God saw in the character of Donald Trump a fighter!


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