KEVIN:  Hallelujah! So I just want to talk to you a just little bit today about God’s angels and understanding how you as born-again blood-bought believers in Yeshua, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you have the liberty to co-labor with God’s angels to release them to minister for those people who are in your sphere of influence and also in your own life. Amen?


KEVIN:  How many of you believe that you have an angel? Many of you. Praise God. You know Jesus teaching in the Book of Matthew he had them bring a little child to him and he said please do not offend one of these little children because I tell you the truth in heaven their angel always beholds the face of my Father. Now here’s a question for you. Raise your hand if you answer yes. How many of you were once were little children?

AUDIENCE:  (LAUGHTER)KEVIN:  Hallelujah. Do you believe just because you grew up that you’ve lost your angel? The answer is no but what happens many times when we’re little children we have what I like to call Hebraic mindset. You know when we’re little children we just have that child-like faith. We just believe. But when we grow up our mind becomes westernized and we get over into a Greek mindset but just because you grew up does not mean that you’ve lost your angel that always beholds the face of your Father.  Hallelujah. Some people believe those are guardian angels    and I believe we all have at least one angel and I want to share a little bit with you today about God’s angels and how you can have the grace and the authority not only to understand at their presence or discern them like we just did when we smelled that beautiful bouquet of heaven, hallelujah, thank You Jesus, but to learn how you can actually activate them or co-labor with them.

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