BARRY: You know Sid, one of the things that Israel has been blessed with an invention is the iron-dome, anti-missile interception system. They cost over $200 million I heard, and about 50 to $60,000 a rocket to intercept an incoming rocket. The problem is that they can only handle so many incoming rockets at one time. So sometimes the enemy’s rockets or missiles get through the system and that’s literally a danger from the explosives and the shrapnel and the fallout that comes upon the population. And that’s why Israel needs more protection, more shelter, more bomb shelters, places of safety to protect our people.

SID: Never before have Israelis faced the number of rockets and missiles that Hamas and Hezbollah could be firing at Israel from both the north and the south simultaneously.

BARRY: There is literally a need right now near playgrounds, near shopping centers, near public areas, to have these bomb shelters placed along the northern and southern regions of Israel because people only have 15 to 25 seconds to run and get safety in one of these shelters.

BATYA: This is a norm here for us. You have to understand the spiritual strain on the people here is so great, beyond imagination. We need to give them more comfort. We need to give them more protection because we can do it for them because God made it possible for us. So we want to be a light to the people of Israel. We want to be a blessing at this time.

SID: This is why God has led us to partner with Barry and Batya to build these desperately needed IDF-approved bomb shelters. Barry?

BARRY: These bomb shelters are manufactured to withstand these missile attacks. When the siren sounds, there are just few moments to find a shelter. Once the people enter and the door is secured, women, men, and children, they’re safe.

SID: On the outside of every bomb shelter is a sign reading, “Donated with love, for the safety of the people of Israel by METV.” Everyone who enters these shelters will know that it is Jewish and Gentile believers in the Messiah who have helped build the very shelter that is saving their lives. And many will watch the brand new TV programs we are producing for METV, which will be pointing the Jewish people to the one who saves lives for all of eternity, Yeshua. We are raising the funds to build 700 bomb shelters approved by the Israeli Defense Forces.

I’m reminded of the quote of Oscar Schindler. You’ve seen the movie Schindler’s List. “I could have got more. I could have got more. I could have got more.” Oscar Schindler said, “I didn’t do enough.” Oscar did what one man could do, a superhuman feat.

But let’s show Israel what the Mishpochah, the family of God, all of us together can do. I call what we’re doing double chai. Chai is a Hebrew word and it means life. That’s where we get the toast l’chaim, to life. Unlike English, every Hebrew letter means a word and a number. Chai also means the number 18. So why double chai, double life? The bomb shelter saves Jewish people’s lives physically, but METV saves lives for eternity. Double life, double chai. At Jewish weddings, bar mitzvahs, when making honorary donations, we Jewish people often give gifts of money in multiples of 18, symbolically giving the recipient the gift of life. So make a gift to build a bomb shelter in Israel and fund our ME TV television station in Israel in multiples of 18 and bless Israel with double chai, double life. As God promised Abraham, those who bless Israel will be blessed. What have you been praying for God to do in your life? Whatever it is, get ready to receive the promise that God gives from being a blessing to Israel.

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