SID: Randy Kay trained employees in Fortune 500 corporations, founded four companies, authored seven books. Randy, it’s hard to believe, having come to know you, that you were a really fervent agnostic at some time. But at 25, everything changed. What happened?

RANDY: Absolutely. I had shouted out at a window, “God, if you are there, I need to know you as more than pages in a book.” And so I had a severe accident where my car was blindsided on a freeway. It went over a ditch and rolled over, and I didn’t have my seatbelt on. And I was young at this time, as you said, 25. My head, it crashed through the windshield, but I survived that accident. But what I noticed while suffering from the concussion and broken bones is that I was being drawn to want to know God, not just know about God. And so I walked into a charismatic church, and they were just holding their hands up and shouting, and they were no longer fools in my mind. They had something I wanted, and I became born again in that church.

SID: So he’s running hard after God. And then the devil decided to set him up one tragedy after another, after another, I think the thing that really hit you was when you’re working for a company that develops a cure for Alzheimer’s, and the FDA decided because a few people, it didn’t work for, that you can’t use this and help people. That had to destroy the company and destroy you, I would think.

RANDY: Absolutely. We were this close to coming up with a potential cure for Alzheimer’s. And I was out in Washington, D.C., we were on the front cover of time in every major network news in announcing this new drug. And then the FDA for various reasons had withdrawn the drug, actually what they call blacklisted the drug, meaning that we could not go any further. It was off the market, no more research, we were done. And then I flew back home from that distraught. And then I was laid off. I became a CEO of a biotech company, and we needed to raise 60 million for that. And that didn’t happen, and I was sitting in a coffee shop with my wife saying, “I think the Lord has abandoned us. And I had a crisis of faith.”

SID: But it’s not just us. You had a couple of small kids too.

RANDY: I had a couple of small kids. So now I was without an income with a large mortgage in San Diego, California. And I shouted out to God in my bedroom one evening, I said, “God, I have faithfully served you. I’ve been an ordained minister. I have worked on your behalf. I was the teacher in a 4,000-member church. I had served you faithfully. Why are you not answering my prayers?” The moonlight struck the light in the room, the bedroom, and there a shadow across the ceiling that reflected my darkened soul. And I said, “This time, God, you have to show up.”

SID: That’s a pretty strong thing. That’s actually a dangerous thing. So you’re out on a job interview, and all of a sudden, you’re starting to feel strange.

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