JAMIE: And so you’re becoming a mouthpiece for God!

SHAWN: Yes. You get a download from heaven for someone’s life you know? You must know the secrets of men’s heart, you know? And this is one of the parts that the Lord wants us to know because it’s a love language between the Father and His creation. He wants to let us know that He loves us very much and knowing that the Father hears us is very powerful! Knowing that He knows every detail about our lives this is what makes an impact and I believe the prophetic is one of the most powerful evangelistic tools for the body of Christ!

JAMIE: Wow! What is one way that you found that increases your accuracy in hearing the secrets of God?

SHAWN: Silence! You know most people love to talk, talk, talk. You know we love to pray, we love to shout.

JAMIE: Come on!

SHAWN: We’re trying to rend the heavens. But sometimes you know the Lord just wants us to be silent and really hear Him! You know, be still and know that He’s the Lord! You know it’s in silence that He really talks to us because you know it’s not so much of a dialogue or a monologue. You know God wants to really like embed things into us but it’s through silence! It’s in the still small voice, not the loud racing voice!

JAMIE: I am so tracking with you, Shawn!


JAMIE: Because when I get alone with God and I get silent that’s when I feel I receive the most!

SHAWN: Correct. Correct.

JAMIE: You know for me it looks like laying on my back, you know? And I do certain things just to keep myself awake. Sometimes I fall asleep. What does that look like for you?

SHAWN: Well sometimes I’ll play soaking music and I get into the presence of God and I allow myself to first of all calm myself down. Calm the soulish man so the spirit man can come more to the forefront! And sometimes you have to relax. You get in a prostrated state and you allow the Lord to just begin to download to you and it comes through the realm of imagination as well –


SHAWN: That He begins to show you visions. He begins to give you utterance or He just gives you those silent whispers that you need to listen for through silence and through relaxing the body. Keeping the soulish man at ease.

JAMIE: That’s amazing! So when you’re in that moment of silence are you getting words for other people?

SHAWN: Yes. Yes. We get words for other people which is the word of knowledge.

JAMIE: Yeah.

SHAWN: And God will give me certain details about people’s lives. Their names. Sometimes their addresses. Sometimes what they’re going through and so when I come to the service that just opens up as I begin to go forward and talk to them.

JAMIE: So you’re already prepared.


JAMIE: You have an advanced word.


JAMIE: You know God gave it to you beforehand.


JAMIE: And you’re walking into the meeting or into the – you know encounter and so you hear from God already.

SHAWN: Yes. Yes.

JAMIE: You know tell me what that looks like when you know it’s time to deliver that word.

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