JOHN: And so right now I’m just going to pray for you. When I pray for you just relax. Just relax. Just can we pray for – what’s your name, mate? 

MAN #1: Bill.

JOHN: Can we pray for Bill?


JOHN: And Bill, just relax! Just Jesus right now. Don’t pray. Just relax. Lord, heal Bill! Set Bill free right now! God heal the shock of that injury from that horse! Phew! God, raise his shoulders right now 100% free for Bill! In the name of Jesus be healed right now! Set him free right now! Phew! Out! Out! Out! Out! Off his shoulders! Brand new shoulders in the name of Jesus! Now free! Free! Free! Phew! Phew! Hey, Bill. Choooh! Phew! And God touch his emotions too, God! Touch his mind too, God! Heal his mind, God! The shock and the trauma of that incident with that horse! Never the same again! Never! Hey, Bill? Raise your arms right up! Up! Up! Up! Up! How is that feeling? 

MAN #1: Much better!

JOHN: And Jesus 100%! 100%! All of it now free! All pain to go free! Out! Out! Phew! Raise it up! Up! Up! Up! Up!

AUDIENCE: [Shouting and clapping] 

JOHN: Is that higher?

MAN #1: It’s much higher! 

JOHN: Jesus, let it even more higher! Higher up? Is it higher up?

MAN #1: Higher.

JOHN: More higher up? Just higher!

MAN #1: [Laughing]

JOHN: Jesus, all of it! Phew! Choooh! Get Bill! There was a movie called that, wasn’t it? Get Bill? 100%!

AUDIENCE: [Shouting]

JOHN: Bill, raise it up! Up! Up! Up! Up! Look at that! It’s higher! 

MAN #1: Yes!

JOHN: Even more for Bill! Choooh! Phew! Get Bill!

AUDIENCE: [Shouting]

JOHN: Come right up here. Get behind her. Okay. How’re you feeling in your body? How is that going? Is the pain gone?

AUDIENCE: [Shouting and clapping]

JOHN: Look at this! Come around here. A karate kick! Do it again!

WOMAN #3: That’s pretty good!

JOHN: She can go line dancing!

AUDIENCE: [Laughing]

JOHN: And so that was there for how long?

WOMAN #3: 25 years.

JOHN: It’s gone now?

WOMAN #3: Yes! Praise God!

JOHN: Move it around! Do you feel it anywhere?

WOMAN #3: No, I feel good!

JOHN: Let me shake your hand! PHEW!

AUDIENCE: [Laughing and clapping]  

JOHN: There’s somebody else here you need a miracle for your shoulders too. There’s a lady here. Man! Boy, when you raise your arms, also it’s especially, man, that lady got healed! But there’s someone else here you need a miracle! And also your neck is affected. It’s like there’s a crunching! It goes from your neck and your shoulders. Just come up here. The lady here. You know what? There’s a man in Australia. He got kicked. He got attacked by a bull. Tore his arm. And you know what? When he got healed, I said, “Sir, there’s something. I want to ask you a very important question.” And he said, “What’s that?” I said, “Have you forgiven the bull that attacked you?” He said, “Yes! But the next day I ate it!” [Laughs]

AUDIENCE: [Laughter]

JOHN: And so what’s up with you, ma’am?

WOMAN #4: Well I’ve had spurs in my neck and a lot of aches since my 40’s all the way down my shoulder. Now it’s taken hold in my wrists. They are achy. 

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