JOSHUA: The Bible says that “If we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth then Jesus will be made Lord over our life and He’ll come and He’ll dwell within us.” And it’s our job as soul-winners, as those who live in the glory, it’s our responsibility to plant the seed. And then God is the one who brings forth that wonderful harvest, who brings forth the fruitfulness.

SID: Okay. I learn fast. Are you saved or are you about ready to be saved? There’s only two types of viewers. Those that are saved. And those that are about ready to be saved. What? You’re saved? But you don’t look so excited. I think we have to reaffirm this with a prayer.


SID: And you know you’re not saved? I think we have to pray for you too. So repeat after me out loud. Dear God. C’mon now. I nailed both of you. Those that think they’re saved or those that know they’re not. Repeat after me. Dear God. Out loud. I’m a sinner. Against You and You alone have I sinned. And I’m so sorry. I believe the blood of Jesus washed away my sins. And in God’s sight I am clean. Thank You for Your forgiveness. Thank You for forgiving all of my sins. And now that I am clean, Jesus come and live inside of me. Become Lord of my life. Amen! If you confessed with your mouth and believed in your heart you are saved! I have to ask you the question, Joshua. There was a time you were in where you awoke, you’re in a hotel room in Rockford Illinois.

JOSHUA: Right.

SID: And what happened?

JOSHUA: And I woke up in the middle of the night and I was literally drenched in divine supernatural oil. It was flowing from my forehead. It was flowing from my hands. It was flowing from my feet. It was flowing profusely from my body and instantly I knew that there was, I was in a divine encounter and that I needed to do something with this oil. And I went around, I tell you I went around that hotel room looking for a cup, a mug, something that that this oil could flow into. And I

SID: It was that much that that you could that it was almost like coming out of a spigot except coming out of your body?

JOSHUA: It was flowing profusely and this has happened on several occasions since then but it was flowing profusely from my physical body and I ended up plugging up a sink and allowing my hands just to rest in the sink and I just continued in just praising the Lord, just on my own just worshipping the Lord and in that atmosphere the oil just continued to flow. And it has a fragrance to it. It’s amazing when God brought us into these signs the first sign was the fragrance. The second sign was the oil. And the third sign was the gold.

SID: Hmm. Now do you ever take this oil and use it for anointing purposes and what results do you get?

JOSHUA: You know we’ve used it all the time for the anointing oil for healing. You know we’ve had tremendous miracles take place. The first time it began flowing from my hands publicly in a meeting as I was preaching up in Big Bear Lake California. There was a woman, or a young lady in the meeting who had scoliosis of the spine and I laid my hands that were flowing with the supernatural oil upon her and instantly her spine straightened up and she was healed completely of that scoliosis. Absolutely amazing. Many, many other miracles

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