LAURA: Hi everyone! I’m Laura Harris Smith and you’re watching Something More! And guess what? Today’s show is for you if you are someone who has ever felt hopeless, if you’ve ever felt empty or like you don’t – maybe you feel powerless. You don’t really even understand how to become empowered in the Lord. Maybe you need to move from that victim mindset to the victor mindset! Well today’s guest is going to show us how! I’m so excited and happy to meet you Dawna De Silva! You’ve heard of Bethel Church in Redding, California and you are affiliated with them.  

DAWNA: Absolutely.

LAURA: So there’s De Silva Ministries but you also have something called Bethel Sozo and I’m so very interested in it. And I know what sozo is but I want to hear your spin on it! Tell me about Bethel Sozo.

DAWNA: Well Bethel Sozo is the inner healing deliverance ministry from Bethel Church and we are now around the world. So we’ve travelled and trained in so many different places. You can find us almost in any country so it’s pretty fun! So a couple of little Redding girls, Teresa Liebscher and I started a ministry under Beni Johnson to begin with. So yes, so it is an inner healing deliverance ministry. And it is so fast that people come and they say I’ve been in therapy for years and what you did in an hour and a half was deeper than I’ve done in years and years of therapy. 

LAURA: Well give us a little idea and maybe even our viewers at home –

DAWNA: Yeah.

LAURA: Of how you do babystep people through this.

DAWNA: Well you know one of the things we hear when people hear deliverance, deliverance!

LAURA: [laughs]

DAWNA: Is you’re going to scream at me, you’re going to yell at me! You’re going to ferret out all my sin and I tell people yeah, we will find your sin.

LAURA: [laughs]

DAWNA: But really there’s two steps in it. One is to connect you greater to the Godhead. To Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.


DAWNA: And the other one is to actually close the doors that you have opened to sin in your life which is the demonic activity that would come in. So it’s kind of the blend of both. And what our hope is when you leave our hope is that you have gotten free of open doors of sin in your life through bitterness, through anger, through fear, and through sexual sin and the occult. 

LAURA: Uh-huh. Oh wow!

DAWNA: All those areas. And that you actually walk away with this great connection to Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

LAURA: Uh-huh.

DAWNA: So yeah, it’s really fun!

LAURA: [laughs] I love how you describe it as fun.

DAWNA: Yeah!

LAURA: You know my father always told me find something you love to do and you’ll never work a day in your life! And I’ve not known you for very long but you are passionate about this. And I told you early on when you were describing to me about shifting atmospheres and all of that you have a breaker anointing. You have the ability and I know that’s a gift from God cause some people are stuck in ruts. Maybe you feel like you’re stuck in a rut. I want you to really address that. How does someone go from being stuck to being activated in God’s purpose for their life?    

DAWNA: Well I think one of the main things the enemy does is he works at us through lies we believe and most of those lies we learned in childhood and then they’re reinforced as we go through. And so if we can find out the hooks inside of us and we can dismantle the hooks then we can actually begin to walk in the call and not self-sabotage or allow others to sabotage us. Yeah.

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