SID: We have to go to a break in just a moment. But I’m going to tell you something. Their new interactive book, The Story of Marriage, and it really is a workbook, it’s a devotional and it’s teaching. And then the 6 sessions on CD and DVD. If you have a good marriage, I’m going to tell you something. It’s going to make it better. If you have an average marriage it’s going to make it what God wanted it in the first place. And if you have a marriage that is just existing you are going to have a transformation. You know I personally have read a lot of books on marriage. Heard a lot of teaching on marriage. But I believe God uniquely put these two together and one of the most important things they have ever done in their life is this interactive Book and DVD-CD series. If you’re not married, you need this! I don’t see why anyone in their right mind would ever get married without listening to this course. And if you are married whatever stage you’re at it’s going to get BETTER! I am amazed at the wisdom John and Lisa from their life experiences and the teaching from the Bible. They’re both world-class teachers. So I want to send you the interactive book, The Story of Marriage. The six sessions on DVD and CD. It normally sells for 125 dollars but we’re going to make it available for an investment, and again I use the word investment intentionally because any profits we make, any extra that you put in on this will be poured into Jewish ministry. Yes this IS the set time to favor Zion! So for an investment of 79 dollars we’re going to rush it to you. And when we come back I have an idea John and Lisa have something more to tell you!

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Something More! John and Lisa Bevere. And they have decided they want to be transparent with their life. Because they recognize their life is a seed that is going to take the worst marriage and make it what God created it to be. As a matter of fact Lisa, when just before we went to the commercial break you started to tell me something. Would you pick up right there?

LISA: Yeah. Well and first I just want to say I so appreciate my husband’s willingness to be open and transparent. The first 4 years of our marriage there was physical abuse and there was anger. And you know, Sid, I had read Dr. Dobson’s book Love Must Be Tough and I thought you know what? I’m going to bring this to a crisis. I made John leave for the weekend. I spent time alone and I remember thinking you know I had made a vow. And this was like an inner vow. And I had said to myself the first time a man ever hits me I’m leaving hm. And so now I had come face-to-face with something I had made a vow about and, and had to really you know press into God and I said you know wait? God, what do I do with this? You see what he’s done. I want to leave him. He has abused me. And, and God beginning to talk to me only about me! And I was like wait a minute? What are you saying to John? He’s the one that’s been hitting me. What are you saying to John? And He just kept saying to me you need to forgive him. And I said well I’ll forgive him when I can see that he is going to stop this.

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