JENNIFER: A lot of times people want to put that in a little box, in a little safe box.

ROY: Yeah! And you know more than anybody else what it’s like to be oppressed by the enemy.


ROY: You would love to bring freedom to somebody from that.


ROY: So you’re doing that?


ROY: You’re training in that?

JENNIFER: Training.

ROY: Equipping.

JENNIFER: Yeah. All of those areas and my – I would say that I would – I lean toward now is actually walking to geographical areas as the Lord leads me and actually bringing deliverance geographically and we did that in our city. There’s a difference between people being oppressed and possessed and cities can be actually possessed and oppressed!  

ROY: Right. Right.

JENNIFER: Until the church sees it, calls it out and begins to displace it! Just like in the Book of Daniel. You know the Prince of Persia.

ROY: Right. Yeah.

JENNIFER: We see it totally in the Bible!

ROY: Right.

JENNIFER: You know also Acts 16. You know the spirit of divination that met Paul and the whole city went into an uproar so you know that it was more territorial. That’s really where I flourish and where I thrive these days and that’s what the Lord uses me to do. It’s not an easy assignment but when He leads me there, there will be victory!

ROY: So do you – walk me through like a û let’s say I’m a person. I come to be trained by you. What’s the first thing you’re going to tell me what to do if you’re going to train me to become an intercessor or move in the prophetic?

JENNIFER: The first thing is intimacy with God!

ROY: Intimacy with God?

JENNIFER: That’s the very first thing!

ROY: Beautiful!

JENNIFER: Because unless you know the heart of God, unless He’s really touched your heart in deep places you won’t go to battle like that! You’ll fight! If you’re a lover of God you will fight things that you wouldn’t normally fight!

ROY: Wow!

JENNIFER: You will go into difficult situations that others won’t touch because you’ve been touched by the love of God!

ROY: Right.

JENNIFER: Something woos you into battle like nothing else when you know the intimacy of God! 

ROY: So it’s kind of like intimacy-based authority?

JENNIFER: Exactly! A lot of people that go into power mode when it comes to prayer they like prayer because it makes them feel powerful. Okay? And because they’ve lost control in their life. There’s all sorts of reasons. They like that feeling and it works to a degree but then it turns on you because if you don’t have intimacy in your heart then you try to take down things that God never called you to. You try to take apart things that are demonic that He never authorized you to do and you don’t have enough love in your heart to actually go the distance to see it through! 

ROY: Wow!

JENNIFER: And it destroys you instead of blesses you!

ROY: Yeah. Yeah! Well I tell you what. You’re whetting the appetite for somebody watching today! And I want to tell you today there’s no doubt that love is the thing that plays the biggest part in what we do in the ministry! What you’re describing is I think it’s a key if anything else cause He says you can cast out demons, you can prophecy, you can move mountains, you can do all kinds of things in Corinthians chapter 13 but if you don’t have love you have absolutely nothing!


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