BILL: And the joy of the Lord is your strength so you need to get it amen. When I used to prophesy over a lot of people, I’d make a few puns or a joke now and then this old Pentecostal brother come up and said, don’t you know you need to be serious when you’re doing the things of God?  I said, no, saying thus sayeth the lord is so scary and serious I got to laugh or cry and I’d rather laugh because the joy of the Lord is my strength. Amen. I have prophesied over 50,000 people in my lifetime and that was mostly up to about ten years ago, twenty years ago when I was training others and all my staff and others do most of the prophesying, I do some, but I’m doing warfare right now and tearing down nations, straightening out, making sheep and goat nations and doing warfare. I believe we got power over the devil. Amen. I tell you, we are at the stage; we’ve entered an offensive, active, warfare. We are in the army of the Lord movement. The third reformation was birthed in 2008, 2016 we’re now in the army of the Lord Movement and God’s activating us into an aggressive, active army. We’re out to destroy the works of the devil and make the kingdom of this world, the kingdom of our Lord and His church. Amen.

Audience: [Applause]

BILL: If you say, well I don’t like a battle, well then go get you a sugar stick and go back home, and just hang on until Jesus comes…amen. But I’m a warrior, and I’m raising up warriors. Raising up an army. What I had to realize, in the army it takes ten or eleven soldiers, regular soldiers, to keep the frontline soldiers there. Then it takes all of these people making the guns and ammunition, and the tanks and the planes to keep them going. So I quit trying to make everybody a front line soldier. Somebody’s going to have to truck up with the ammunition. Somebody is going to have to cook the food. Somebody’s got to make the clothing. But, everybody is in the army. See, that’s the difference. You got to be army minded. I’m in the army. And I always told my young men, you can tell the difference of whether you’re in the army or still a civilian by who’s your mama. Were any men here in the military? You remember going into the military? When you went in you told the staff sergeant or drill sergeant my mom usually gets me up about eight o’clock in the morning. I like my breakfast with two eggs and bacon and I usually have my socks and stuff by the bed and my mama makes my bed, and takes my socks, and I usually like to go for a walk about ten o’clock in the morning. Is that okay with you drill sergeant? Then he says, let me tell you something boy. I’m your mama now! I’ll tell you when to get up! I’ll tell you when to go to bed! And you’ll make your own bed! And you’ll clean your own clothes! You’ve got a new mama! Some of you don’t want a new mama! Let me be my lazy good for nothing self! Let me have my way! Be a civilian! I’m sorry, I’m drafting you all into the army, and you’re stuck. Hallelujah. Amen.

Audience: [Applause]

BILL: Now, but you got a power up. Did you hear me? I said power up. You’ve got it; you’ve got to use it. Now, let me prophesy to this brother right here. The Lord says all of your background, your training and equipping both what you’ve done spiritually and what you’ve done physically, God’s going to pull the best of all of it and bring it together.

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