SID: Now, when this program is over, we have a special extended segment with Brian. He is going to pray for healing and the release of your miracle. I don’t want you to miss this life-changing moment. Just log onto our website. After this program ends to watch this special ministry time with Brian, the presence of God is so strong. I am believing anything would be possible.

Brian, after your six months, you went for a follow-up and you got this, it was the shock of, that you’re alive. What did the doctor tell you?

BRIAN: I went for my six-month checkup. As I was getting ready to leave, the doctor stopped me and he said, “I need to tell you something. This hospital, the doctors here are baffled at your story. Number one, you were healed from cancer, and there is no medical explanation for it.

The drugs that we had given to you during these protocols, after experimenting with them, we realized they don’t even treat this disease, not only that they’re so lethal that everyone that we’ve given these drugs to has died, except for you.”

SID: Not only did everyone die that had these experimental drugs, everyone at that point that had his type of leukemia died. It was like a quadruple miracle. I keep hearing. You’re released, you’re free, you’re a whole, you’re grateful, and you’re off to do your career. He wanted to be a professional tennis player. What did you do?

BRIAN: I left months later to go and pursue that dream of playing tennis. During the time I was pursuing that, my priorities changed. I remember what it was like to be sick, to be back in the hospital. I said, “There’s too many people today that are sick and they’re dying, and yet God had given me the antidote.” It was my dream to do that. One day the Lord spoke to me and said, “Son, I want you to know that I have my dream for you and my dream will be far better and far more satisfying.”

It was at that point in my life that I said, “Lord and I had promised the Lord, if he would heal me that I would do whatever he wanted me to do.” It was since that time, I set out to find that dream and find that purpose that God has given me. After I was healed, I began to share my testimony. Then my wife and I went to Bible school. Then since that time, we have started to open up many healing schools and healing rooms in different locations.

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