SID: Hello. I’m here with Ana Werner, and Ana, many have heard of a seer. What is a seer, S-E-E-R?

ANA: this is my best way to describe, a seer is a prophet that hears primarily from God, or receives revelation, through the gift of sight.

SID: That is, I’ll tell you what, that is such a wonderful gift, and you have found that this can be learned and transferred as long as someone is a believer. Do you have scriptural basis for that?

ANA: Yeah. In Second Kings chapter six, Elisha, we see there that he prayed over his servant’s eyes to be opened. They are going into battle and he prayed. The Lord opened his spiritual eyes, and then it says the servant’s eyes were open. And he saw chariots of fire, and he saw the horses around them. So he wasn’t seeing before. So that gift of seeing was imparted. So that encourages me that other people can see as well.

SID: Not only that, you’ve been teaching this for a number of years, and you’re seeing that it is transferable. A little later, if you want, we’ll have her pray for that impartation for you. If you really want that, the others don’t, okay. Okay, that provokes me to jealousy, but this provokes me even more to jealousy. For 30 days, you woke up every morning and you’re in heaven. That’s heaven to me. Tell me about one of the visitations, and you saw oil footprints.

ANA: Yes, I was, and I just want to go on record to say I’m not a morning person. So for me to wake up and go to heaven, that’s a miracle.

SID: Oh God, that’d be easier. Look, it’d be easier for me. I’m a morning person, God, I’ll make it easy.

ANA: So I had this encounter where Jesus came to me, and he had, it looked like a big bowl and he said, I want to wash your feet, Ana. And I said, “No, God.” And he said, “I want to wash your feet.” And so I said, “Okay.” And it wasn’t in the bowl, wasn’t water. It was like an oily substance. And Jesus sat and he washed my feet, and as he was washing it, I was just weeping. And I was just crying. And after he’s done, he said, “Ana, I want to show you something.” And so we stood up and he said, “Come on, let’s walk together.” So we walked together and he said, “Now look behind you,” and behind me I could see our footprints there.

ANA: And there were the oily footprints of Jesus and my footprints. And he said, “Ana, look at that,” and he said, “It’s your joy and your honor to release my glory and my presence.” And from that encounter, I’ve noticed his presence comes so much thicker on me. My life was really, my ministry really changed after that encounter.

SID: So right after that, you started having miracles and oil appearing, and you went to a congregation in Ohio and you prayed for the pastor’s wife?

ANA: Yeah. So it was before the meeting started, and I was back in a side room, and I was just soaking in the presence of the Lord, and the pastor’s wife was just there to see if I need anything like water or anything. And I said, “Come on back, just soak in the presence with me.” So we’re sitting there just praising God and worshiping. And I looked at her, and she was laying on the floor at the time. I looked at her, and I saw, because as a seer, often people’s body gets highlighted where they need healing. I mean, that sounds, What are you talking about, Ana? But I’m just being honest. I saw her back with highlights to me, and I said, “God’s healing your back. He’s touching your back right now,” and right then, she felt fire go through her body.

ANA: Now, I had no idea, Sid, that she had come to that meeting with her little lunch cooler box full of ice packs because she’d lived in pain with her back for over 10 years. Now I had no idea. I didn’t know anything about this. She got healed on the spot right there, got filled with joy, and then to the star of our meeting, I said, “You got to come give your testimony because there’s an anointing for backs.” So she gets up, she shares what just happened and it was like 30 people stood. I said, “Does anybody have a back problem, spine problem, neck problem.” And it was about 30 people stood up and we saw God just heal. Just in his glory, in his presence, he just healed them.

SID: What’s going on right now?

ANA: There’s such a thick and weighty healing presence in this room. And if you can hear me right now through the media, I just want you to know, because I see angels right now, and I see them carrying spines. So this thing about back, there’s a reason I think God highlighted this to me right now to share this. If you’re needing healing in your back, your shoulders specifically, also in your neck, I want you to stand up, wherever you are. If you’re at home, if you’re in here, just stand up and know that the glory of the Lord is falling on you right now. By his stripes, you have been healed. Do you believe it? Do you have faith to believe right now? He can touch you wherever you are at. Also, there’s a angel carrying kidneys. He showed it to me this morning, and he’s here right now.

ANA: So listen, if you are needing healing in your kidneys, like you’re on dialysis or something like that, the Lord is touching your kidneys. It’s a creative miracle. Wow. And also just headaches. If you suffer from migraine headaches, I want you to stand up right now. I just prophesied, the Lord is touching you right now. That headache must go in Jesus’ name. Now also, I just come against stress and trauma that has locked into your body. Wow. Just the shalom peace of Christ. Just claim over yourself, head to toe. He is healing you. He is touching you right now. Praise God. Thank you, Jesus.

SID: You know, Ana, the “slides” are heavenly visions. There is an impartation and a revelation and an activation that occurs in you. I want to hear a few more of them when we come back. How about you?

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