
SID: Julie, what is your purpose?

JULIE: Well God told, I asked Him, what is my purpose in music and in worship, and He said, to infiltrate the earth with sounds of healing, which to me means going behind enemy lines. He recently was just showing me that it was kind of more clarification about that, that it’s going to places you wouldn’t ordinarily think of where music would go. And He said that it would actually, that my music actually could change the cellular structure of sickness and disease, and that it could actually help reshape the brains of people who had been afflicted with trauma. And so He’s not called me to be like a praise and worship leader. He didn’t say songs of praise, or whatever. He said sounds of healing.

SID: Now when these sounds go out some amazing things are going on. Tell me about that woman that had the child where what happened with the chin and with the woman. Tell me about that.

JULIE: Oh yeah. A lady wrote me and said that she keeps children in her home, and that she had been playing my music for two years, two hours a day, when she would put the children to sleep. And she said that they would just instantly be able to rest. And one little girl would get dreams of God on a regular basis. And this other child had half a chin. She was born with half a chin, and she said that she had possible learning disabilities. And after the two years of doing this, she said this child’s chin grew out normal, and that she was one of the smartest children there.

SID: Now that’s my kind of worship. How about you? Julie, you love what is called spontaneous music. What is that?

JULIE: It’s where there’s no agenda and like you just sing from your heart to God. You sing what the Spirit is doing in the atmosphere at that moment, and there’s no framework for it. There’s no boundaries.

SID: But isn’t it easier to do a rehearsed song out of a hymnal.

JULIE: Not for me it’s not. It is very challenging now. I mean, I occasionally will sing a song, just a normal song that comes up in my spirit during worship. For the most part it’s like buying a greeting card that doesn’t say what you want it to say from your heart. And so I love to be able to sing what’s in my heart to God.

SID: Okay. I want you to sing right now, “Healing in My Presence”. Do you realize in the presence of the Lord all things are possible. All is pretty inclusive. Did you hear what I just said? All things are possible in His presence. Julie True.

Julie [music, singing]: Ooo…There’s healing in your presence. There’s healing in your presence. There’s healing in your presence, oh Jesus. There’s healing in your presence. There’s healing in your presence. There’s healing in your presence, oh Jesus. There’s healing in your name. There’s healing in your name. There’s healing in your name, oh Jesus. There’s healing in your name. There’s healing in your name. There’s healing in your name, oh Jesus.

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