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Sid:  My guest is red hot for the Messiah.  He has a gift from God to help empower you to release the gifts that God has already put within you.  And he’s got a tremendous background because he attended Rhema Bible College.  He was one of their singers for seven years.  But then he spent many years as a Coordinator of Prayer and Healing School.  And I imagine Jim Hockaday, you have probably seen more miracles from that position you had out at Rhema as the Coordinator of the Prayer and Healing School then many people on the face of this earth.

Jim:  Sid it was a real pleasure to have had those ten years there at the Kenneth Hagen Ministries.  And you’re exactly right, we saw all kinds of miracles take place and throughout the ten years it was a constant flow of the supernatural.

Sid:  We were talking about this subject before we went on the air and why is it that there was this flow, but there seems to be today, it’s just like we’re not seeing the miracles that the Bible says were suppose to see and could we need a course correction so to speak?

Jim:  Well, I think the modern church that you might call Pentecostal, Charismatic, Word of Faith, anybody that’s just seeking to walk in the supernatural; I think that there’s a definite dividing line that we need to step beyond where we’ve been and begin to pursue the empowerment of the believer.  In other words, I’ll just put it to you in a more simple fashion each believer is filled with the Holy Spirit and that alone should produce the miraculous.  But when we’re trying with formulas to get God to do something were working so hard to kind of put ourselves in an approval place.  And were not sure if we have faith or we don’t have faith or whether we got enough of the Holy Ghost or not, we’re not going to bold and assertive to stretch our hands out to see the miraculous.   And when a man understands His position in Christ, that’s the beginning of the supernatural and I really believe that in this last day, were going to walk into and we are starting to see it now, a Jesus gospel where Jesus comes to the forefront and the relationship with the Lord Jesus is reestablished in the heart of every man that would seek the supernatural.

Sid:  Has God given you insight beyond a hope as to what is going to be happening in the Body of Believer’s as far as the supernatural?

Jim:  Well, just as the relationship that we’re speaking about here today that’s so much a part of your heart and mine; you know Daniel made a reference in Daniel 11:32 “That They Who Know their God will be strong and do exploits.”  And we never should have varied from that.  Every teaching should bring out more of a relationship with Jesus Christ, where you know Him and you’re willing to step beyond yourself.  And I believe in these last days, what we’ll see so tremendously beginning to rise and it’s happening now; is every believer becoming a vessel through which God’s power flows.  No longer will it just be just come and see the big show at the church because a particular minister has such grand miracles and yet that’s still a part of our teaching learning.  But, I believe we’re seeing right now is a shift of where the believer is being empowered and the believer is beginning to see in the open market where his every day to day function is, the supernatural.

Sid:  Basically what you’re saying is it’s time for believers to become normal as defined by the Bible. 

Jim:  That’s exactly right. I mean the word supernatural, it’s not supposed to be some mystical thing and yet there is some element of mystery to the supernatural.  Its suppose to be a daily lifestyle of knowing God and moving in His power and His glory for the benefit of every person around us.

Sid:  We have a six CD Seminar that you taught at Rhema.  The title is “How to Develop Intimacy with the Holy Spirit.”  When someone understands the Word and has truly developed intimacy with the Holy Spirit, when you teach this what types of reports are you getting from those that go out into the marketplace after having had this teaching?

Jim:  Well, it’s very exciting to bring people to an awareness of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence.  Because when we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior at that moment, God’s presence comes to live in our hearts through the Holy Spirit and the wonderful experience that we have where the Spirit of God fills us with His power and there are many wonderful things that take place at that moment especially the gift of speaking in other tongues.  These experiences and bringing people to an awareness of it it immediately changes their life.  They begin to hear the Holy Ghost voice.  They begin to move with the promptings of the Spirit of God and it’s kind of like, I’d say it like this Sid; If you like a roller coaster and you enjoy the thrill of the up and down and the twist and the sideways, then the more you know the Holy Spirit your life will begin to experience a real joy and excitement beyond your everyday routine.

Sid:  Pull someone out from the thousands that you have trained that this had an impact on their life and what they’re doing today.

Jim:  One individual, his name is Tyler, he’s a great guy; man I really love this guy and I’ll say it like this, he graduated from ORU and he’s the type individual that normally would be totally okay, and still is, just being in the background.  Loves to play the guitar and sing and to be honest, I don’t know that there’s a real call of God on His life to stand in the pulpit.  And when he came to us and we began to teach some of these things.  You could just see the lights going on about how much God loves him and becoming beware of the Holy Spirit.  Knowing how empowered he was by God.  And I’ll tell you this one story that’s great.   He has become so excited about the Lord Jesus and so bold in his faith.  He was driving with his boss to Oklahoma City and on the way the boss began to relate to him how his wife has struggled and struggled and struggled with such pain and the doctors have done everything they could to find out the reason why the pain is there and they can’t find the reason.  And this is so uncustomary of Tyler, but he pulled out a twenty dollar bill, put it on the dash board; looked at his boss and said.  Call your wife and tell her that I said before morning comes, she’ll be completely free of pain.  And if it’s not so, then you can take that twenty dollars and put it in your pocket.  And before morning that woman was set free and today is still set free.

Sid:  That’s someone who really hears from God. 

Jim:  That’s awesome, I love it.

Sid:  But that’s supposed to be normal.  You know I came to know a little bit, Katherine Kuhlman. The thing that impressed me was her relationship with the Holy Spirit.  That’s what made her special.  She had that and I’m beginning to believe that everyone can have that kind of relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Jim:  I believe so too and the people that I’ve been around just like you and you saw that in her, that have that type of relationship,  it is so infectious it will make you want you to know God that way.  And I would say that by being associated with the late Kenneth Hagen, what a wonderful man of God he is and he was and the thing that empresses me and people will say, it’s his love walk, it was his faith walk, but the number one thing that impressed me was he knew God.   He had a relationship with the Holy Ghost.  And I remember him saying one day, I’ll never forget this, he said I’ve come to know the Holy Spirit as well and even better that my wife who sleeps the bed next to me.

Sid:  Humph.  And you’re finding when people take your seminar or hear you’re teaching that they can come to know the Holy Spirit the way any man or women in the Bible has?

Jim:  The limits completely come off and it becomes how much fun you want to have spending time with God, hearing His voice, recognizing His presence.  And I’ll say it to you like this as far as the great benefit that we see, if you didn’t know you had the ten dollars tucked away in that little special place then you couldn’t use it to purchase what you need and you’d go without; and we as believers we walk about in our daily life not using at very much of a percentage at all of the Spirit’s indwelling presence and His help.  But when you begin to recognize it and you begin to acknowledge how awesome He is, at that moment life really just begins.

Sid:  Well, the thing that impresses me is, I’ve gotten to know about you from our investigation, hearing from God is how you operate.  You hear from God about your family, you hear from God about people that need to be physically healed, you have the relationship with the Holy Spirit that everyone should have.  And the thing that I love about making tools like this available is that there’s an impartation, because he can’t impart to you what he doesn’t have.

Jim:  Correct.

Sid:  But his gift is to impart to you the ability for you to develop intimacy with the Holy Spirit.  And when you listen to these tapes, literally you’re going to have a jump start in your spirit.  You’re going to activate your five spiritual senses and miracles start happening to those that sit under his teaching.  He’s going to teach you insight on how to pray in the Holy Spirit far more effectively.  I mean there was one thing that he said that’s really transforming my prayer life.

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