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SID: You know, one of the tips you have for us is to start paying attention to how you feel.


DAWNA: Yes. The phrase I like to use is “Check yourself at the door.” And it’s like, what does that mean? It’s like every time I start to go somewhere I check myself before I enter the place. How do I feel right now? I check, do I feel good, do I feel bad. It’s kind of like a word of knowledge in your body. It’s like if you check your body, my body feels great. I’ll say, my knee hurts, oh my knee hurts. Oh wait a minute, someone must have a bad knee. Let’s take care of that. It’s the same in the spirit realm. I check myself at the door. Am I happy? Am I carrying the fruit of the Spirit? Okay, do I look like Jesus right now? Awesome. Because when I walk through that door anything that tempts me to act differently is probably a broadcast that I get to turn off.


SID: Tell me, speaking of broadcasts, there is a horrible epidemic that seems to be happening all over. Little children are coming home and they’re saying, “Mommy, Daddy, am I a boy or am I a girl?” And they’re getting it from school. Tell me about your friend that had that encounter.


DAWNA: Yes. One of the stores, a lot of stores now have decided that you get to choose which bathroom you go to, whether you think you’re male or female. It’s not even how you’re dressed. And so they went into one of these stores and she was shopping. And she had her five-year-old son in the cart, and she’s shopping around, and nobody is around her. And all of a sudden her little son stands up and says…


Boy: “I’m not a girl, I’m a boy.”


DAWNA: And she looks and she goes, “Well of course you are, honey. You’re a man of God.” And she looks around, and there’s nobody around her. And she realizes, my son is picking up a broadcast of confusion that has been allowed because the store has decided you get to choose who you are.


SID: Well can every believer be a walking transmitter?


DAWNA: You know, we are already a walking transmitter. I just want us to be a Godly walking transmitter, so yes.


SID: When you catch yourself transmitting something you wish you hadn’t been, what do you do about it?


DAWNA: Well yes, hopefully we do it less and less, but I still find myself, I repent. The first thing I do is, I’m sorry, Lord. I’m sorry that I partnered with the enemy. You know, God told Cain that “Sin is crouching at your door, but you must master it.” And so I’m like I might have to say, God I let that master me, I’m so sorry that I bit into that thought, and I spoke wrong or I was mean. And I just say, I repent and I send it back.


SID: Now you told me about you and your son discerned a sexual atmosphere. Explain.


DAWNA: Yes. We were in a foreign country and we were walking around the town. It felt great. I mean, it was a little impoverished, but it felt great. And we went to bed, and he’s in one room and I’m in the other. And all night long I dreamt, I had nightmares of waking up right before being raped, like over and over, and over, and I was like, get up. So I was kind of tired. So I go to my son’s room and I knock on the door and he comes out, and I’m like, oh. And I said, “You got jet lag.” And he’s like, “No mom, it’s not that.” He said, “All night long I dreamt about rescuing women from being raped. Clue. There’s the clue. So we took it to the church and we asked the church, what do you want to do about this. And they said, we already are walking the streets as street pastors and you know, we have signs that tell who we are. And I said, “How about you being shifting atmospheres. How about you begin releasing, instead of violence, you start releasing that men would actually protect the women instead of violating. You know, instead of lust there would be love because lust takes and loves gives.


SID: Give us a tip on having the right transmissions in our homes, having peace in our homes.


DAWNA: Having peace in our homes. You know what the best thing is, is you have a family meeting and you say, hey family, what do we want this transmission to be from our home, because I want a buy-in from everyone. I don’t want to be the mom, the spiritual mom who tells you, oh don’t say that, don’t say that. I want them to be able to say to me, mom, don’t say that. We had a time with Timmy and I was really frustrated, and I actually had an outburst of anger, and my little son Timmy says, “Mommy, where’s Jesus?”


SID: Out of the mouth of a babe. Okay. Time to pray. It’s time that we come to our senses and we pray for a supernatural increase of sensitivity and discernment.


DAWNA: Okay. So what I want to do, I want to start with this. I just want to have everyone say, “Come Holy Spirit.”


SID: Come Holy Spirit.


DAWNA: [speaking in tongues] Because it’s the Holy Spirit in you that gives you the power and the authority over what is coming at you. And so from that place of standing in the Holy Spirit, we just release you. I just say to you that because you are seated with Christ in the Heavenlies above the powers and principalities, and authorities, [speaking in tongues] that you will now through the understanding of what you’re hearing, maybe for the first time, you will actually take authority over that. That the Holy Spirit will rise up in you and you’ll say, hey, not on my watch. I declare over you greater discernment without fear of it’s all going to be negative and you’re going to pick it up, and it’s going to scare you. God did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.


SID: Not on my watch! Say it!


DAWNA: Not on my watch. Amen.

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