sidroth on July 16th, 2022

SID: Now my guest, Roland Worton was always aware of the supernatural but not knowing Jesus it seemed so dark, even fearful. He wanted to be a professional musician but at 17, after a failed recording contract he decides, “I’ll go to college.” And the supernatural became natural.

SID: So Roland, let me take you back to those college days. What caused you to turn around like that?

ROLAND: Yeah. Sid, I bumped into our supernatural God, or should I say, he ran into me. It was a transformative time. As you said I was at rock bottom. I’d won a single songwriting competition that was national. It was television. A record deal came out of that at 17 years old but it all crashed and I found myself living in the most difficult time of my life at 17 and God sent somebody to find me and to tell me about the supernatural.

ROLAND: I was radically saved at college in the first month. So those of you who have kids that are going off to college, God can meet them right where they are. It was a wonderful time of being mentored in the supernatural. My first pastor was Jean Darnall. She was one of the original disciples of Aimee Semple McPherson.

SID: For those not familiar with Aimee, who was she?

ROLAND: Yeah, Aimee Semple McPherson was an incredible female minister of the Gospel in the 1920s and 30s in L.A.—

SID: Which was unusual at that time.

ROLAND: … which was very unusual. Was on television and radio and saw miracles, signs and wonders in her ministry in a powerful way. And Jean, my first pastor, was one of her small group or original group back in the 30s.

SID: But things really changed when you got baptized in the Holy Spirit. What happened?

ROLAND: Yeah, that’s right. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in my room at college, in my college dorm, and I started speaking in tongues and actually didn’t know what it was. I went to one of my friends and I said, “Hey, this has happened to me. Tell me what it is.” I just began speaking in my prayer language and they, “Oh, we know exactly what that is.”

ROLAND: But, yeah, things really changed. The visionary, seer, prophetic realm was really opened to me at that time, pretty early on. A lot of dreams and visions and supernatural—

SID: But do you know the thing that got me so excited and is going to get you excited, if I understood you right, here you know nothing, nothing, and you look at people’s heads and you see words above them. What kind of words would you see?

ROLAND: Yeah. Yeah, I was walking in the London business district in the middle of lunch and London’s one of the greatest financial capitals of the world, lots of people. And suddenly, Sid, my eyes were opened. I began to see words written across people’s forehead in the Spirit. And at the same time, also had a sense of the weight that those words carried. Some said shame. Some said difficulty. Some said strife. Some said depression.

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sidroth on July 6th, 2022

SID: Randy Kay trained employees in Fortune 500 corporations, founded four companies, authored seven books. Randy, it’s hard to believe, having come to know you, that you were a really fervent agnostic at some time. But at 25, everything changed. What happened?

RANDY: Absolutely. I had shouted out at a window, “God, if you are there, I need to know you as more than pages in a book.” And so I had a severe accident where my car was blindsided on a freeway. It went over a ditch and rolled over, and I didn’t have my seatbelt on. And I was young at this time, as you said, 25. My head, it crashed through the windshield, but I survived that accident. But what I noticed while suffering from the concussion and broken bones is that I was being drawn to want to know God, not just know about God. And so I walked into a charismatic church, and they were just holding their hands up and shouting, and they were no longer fools in my mind. They had something I wanted, and I became born again in that church.

SID: So he’s running hard after God. And then the devil decided to set him up one tragedy after another, after another, I think the thing that really hit you was when you’re working for a company that develops a cure for Alzheimer’s, and the FDA decided because a few people, it didn’t work for, that you can’t use this and help people. That had to destroy the company and destroy you, I would think.

RANDY: Absolutely. We were this close to coming up with a potential cure for Alzheimer’s. And I was out in Washington, D.C., we were on the front cover of time in every major network news in announcing this new drug. And then the FDA for various reasons had withdrawn the drug, actually what they call blacklisted the drug, meaning that we could not go any further. It was off the market, no more research, we were done. And then I flew back home from that distraught. And then I was laid off. I became a CEO of a biotech company, and we needed to raise 60 million for that. And that didn’t happen, and I was sitting in a coffee shop with my wife saying, “I think the Lord has abandoned us. And I had a crisis of faith.”

SID: But it’s not just us. You had a couple of small kids too.

RANDY: I had a couple of small kids. So now I was without an income with a large mortgage in San Diego, California. And I shouted out to God in my bedroom one evening, I said, “God, I have faithfully served you. I’ve been an ordained minister. I have worked on your behalf. I was the teacher in a 4,000-member church. I had served you faithfully. Why are you not answering my prayers?” The moonlight struck the light in the room, the bedroom, and there a shadow across the ceiling that reflected my darkened soul. And I said, “This time, God, you have to show up.”

SID: That’s a pretty strong thing. That’s actually a dangerous thing. So you’re out on a job interview, and all of a sudden, you’re starting to feel strange.

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sidroth on June 25th, 2022

SID: I’m here with Max Davis. And for those that are not familiar with Max, he is a best-selling author. He’s had 39 books published. He’s got two degrees. When you were a young kid, did you always want to be a journalist?

MAX: No. Actually, I had a 1.5 GPA going into my senior year. If you wanted to punish me, just lock me in the library. I hated reading. I typed one word a minute on one of those old typewriters. But I got radically saved my senior year and I got baptized in the Holy Spirit. And Sid, I’m telling you the truth. I’m driving down the road one day and I hear an audible voice and it was so audible that I answered it. I went, “Whoa, where did that come from?” And now whether someone else could have heard it, I don’t know. It could have been inside me, but it was audible. And it said, “You’re going to write books and they’re going to go all over the world.” Now I was 18 years old. I had no idea what it meant to write or publish. I just knew that God said that.

Well, I had gotten a scholarship to play football at Ole Miss, and I was going to major in PE or coaching, something like that, which is great, fine. But because of that voice, I decided to major in journalism. And I went directly to the Dean of Journalism at Ole Miss, University of Mississippi, and I said, “God’s called me to be a writer.” And he said, “Great, let’s help you facilitate that.” And that’s how it all began.

SID: I’ll tell you something, God is smarter than us.

MAX: He is.

SID: Max, your newest book, you really outdid yourself on this one. It’s called Jesus, Josiah, and Me. And it’s about a young boy, Josiah Cullen. He’s a non-verbal autistic, severely autistic, boy who gets words from Jesus. His mom Tahni was on our show over four years ago, and he supernaturally got a word for you. How could this even happen?

MAX: So I had a writer friend, a mutual writer friend, that had written a book that really touched me. And I called her at about 10 o’clock one morning. And I was just talking to her about her book and what a wonderful writer she was. And she told me she was writing a book with this woman, Tahni Cullen, who had an autistic son that got prophetic messages. That was it. She didn’t ask me for anything. I said, “Bye.” I hung up about 11. She called Tahni right after that and said, “Hey, I talked to this Max Davis guy, blah, blah, blah.” They hung up. During that conversation, Josiah was at school at his autistic school. He didn’t get home until 3:00 that afternoon. He comes home from school. Without talking to Tahni, he begins typing with his one finger into an iPad and Tahni notices that he’s alluding to a person. And she says, “Does this have anything to do with Max?” So—

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sidroth on June 15th, 2022

SID: He wants to become your all in all. He wants to give you a purpose, I jump in your step. He wants you to be his child and know it, and demonstrate his kingdom. Repeat this prayer out loud with me right now. Dear God.

Audience: Dear God.

KYNAN: I’ve made many mistakes.

Audience: I’ve made many mistakes.

SID: I’m so sorry.

Audience: I’m so sorry.

SID: I believe the blood of Jesus.

Audience: I believe the blood of Jesus.

SID: Washes me clean.

Audience: Washes me clean.

SID: Now that I’m clean.

Audience: Now that I’m clean.

SID: I have no past.

Audience: I have no past.

SID: I just have a wonderful future.

Audience: I just have a wonderful future.

SID: It’s as if today is the first day of my life.

Audience: It’s as if today is the first day of my life.

SID: Jesus, come and live inside of me.

Audience: Jesus, come and live inside of me.

SID: Be my savior.

Audience: Be my savior.

SID: Be my Lord.

Audience: Be my Lord.

SID: Amen.

Audience: Amen.

KYNAN: Hallelujah.

SID: I know you’ve been waiting on this, tell me what your personal access code is.

KYNAN: This is really heavy, Sid. I hope people are listening. Jesus is the access code. The Bible says, Jesus said, “I am the way the truth, and the life. No man comes to the father, but by me.” You see Jesus is the only legal entrance into the supernatural. Any other entrance into the supernatural is illegal.

KYNAN: When horoscopes and all these things, going to soothsayers and psychics, those are counterfeits. Jesus is the real deal. Jesus is the word of God. When we understand how this all blends together with our identity in Christ, knowing who we are, our spiritual identity in him, in Yeshua, is the secret to unlocking God’s unlimited power in our lives.

SID: You also teach and this is so important most people don’t get it. Oneness, explain.

KYNAN: We are one with the father. Jesus espoused this belief, and he taught this belief, and it got him into a whole lot of trouble. Religious people hate this because this is why religious people hate this, because religious people want you to go through them to get to God. Jesus removes that out of the equation.

KYNAN: He says, “You can go to the father directly in my name. Just as I’m one with the father, I came to make you one with the father that we have unbroken communion and fellowship with God.” This is different from religion. This is greater than religion. Religion is our attempt to try to get close to God.

KYNAN: The cross was God’s successful attempt to draw near to us. When we embrace the fact that we have the DNA of God, God is our father and we’re one with him, it changes our reality. People have been experiencing this. There was a young lady in our church. She had just been doing a lot of rejection and a lot of stuff going on in her life.

KYNAN: She never understood who she was. We begin to teach this and she said it was as if a blanket of shame and guilt just lifted off of her. She started to live her life. She started to be bold. She started to walk in confidence. Started to share her faith, started to experience the joy of the Lord. I believe that’s available for every single believer.

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sidroth on June 5th, 2022

DIANE: Do y’all believe watching right now? Because the glory of the Lord is in this place, and it is getting thicker. [crosstalk]

SID: Are you saying that, or do you actually see it?

DIANE: I see it. I see it, and some of y’all can look right, and I can see it. Some of you on the camera you can probably see it, as well. You can see a fuzziness, maybe a smoke, like a mist. And so we have to believe, but then we need to anticipate. I always tell people [crosstalk]

SID: That is so important. Don’t you miss it. That word anticipate. What are you expecting? It’s not in the Bible, but I’m making this up. You have not because you expect not.

DIANE: When we anticipate on something, we know it’s going to happen. Anticipation is the acceleration for the demonstration of the manifestation of God’s Word.

SID: Now, that’s a mouthful.

DIANE: Do you want me to say it again?

SID: Yeah, say it again.

DIANE: Okay, so anticipation is the acceleration for the manifestation of the demonstration of God’s Word and His will.

SID: I got it. Don’t ask me to repeat it.

DIANE: We’ve got to anticipate because that means we know. When you anticipate, you know it’s going to happen. We have to know God’s Word is true. He said that His glory was going to cover the earth, but he said that the knowledge of his glory would fill the earth just like the waters.

SID: Tell us two more accelerants.

DIANE: We have to choose to walk in love. And whether you want to or not, you have to love. You have to forgive people because love releases victory. And when we forgive too, as we forgive, that releases the power of God. When we love people and forgive people, we open up a door, actually for the glory of God to show up and to work a miracle that would not come otherwise.

DIANE: I learned that with the experience with my father. In walking in love and forgiveness towards him, the glory of God showed up, Sid. And you know what? He didn’t want to have nothing to do with God. He was an alcoholic for over 60 years. But because the glory of God showed up, he gave his heart to the Lord three weeks before he passed away.

SID: Diane, what is it like? I know what it’s like to feel the glory, but what is it like to feel the glory 24/7 when you sleep? When you go out to a restaurant, when you go to work, when you go to a store, what is that like?

DIANE: Well, I’m just being overcome by His glory right now because it’s such an honor to walk and to live in that glory because I’m always aware of Father God being with me. When we yield to Him and just love Him and let Him be the father to us that he wants to be, and His glory shows up, things happen. I’m very humbled, very honored.

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sidroth on May 25th, 2022

SID: And the thing that so excites me about this glory is things are instant. They don’t take 50 years of prayer and fasting to come to pass. And most people stop before they get the victory. It’s instant. Tell me a few instant miracles that people have reported.

DAVID: I’ll tell you a really recent one that happened just backstage, just like half an hour ago, right before lunch. One of your staff was there and they said, “Please pray for this lady. She needs to grow taller.” So I prayed for her and we watched her grow in her one leg. Before I go, “Okay, we’re going to pray.” And the leg just started jumping before I could say a word. Then the next one overgrew that one. And was like, “What is going on?” This is just in the back here. She grew about two inches and she looks taller already. The lady in your back, in the staff here. That was just five minutes ago or half an hour ago. But we saw that in Israel. Two people grew taller, about this much, considerably taller in the meeting, came on stage-

SID: Now, Israeli’s are pretty skeptical.

DAVID: Very, until they see.

SID: What happened?

DAVID: Well, after I got off the stage, Israeli security said, “We need to talk to you, please.” I thought I was in trouble. “Did I say something wrong?” And they take me to quiet place, they got machine guns and they look at me. And they said, “Could you pray for us?” And I said, “What?”

SID: We have a bunch of professional basketball players, that’ll be lined up for you to pray for them.

DAVID: Yeah. You don’t see many Jewish basketball players, do you? Maybe we need to pray for more of them to grow.

SID: Tell me some other miracles.

DAVID: Sure. I was in Africa on stage preaching, my first time to Africa, a crusade outdoors. And in the meeting, God says, “Hey, there’s a woman here and her daughter is dying in the hospital, but I want you to tell the woman, her daughter’s already dead.” I said, “Lord, I can’t do that.” He goes, “You have to, because I’m telling you to do it.” I said, “But Lord, that’s not a good way to start a crusade the first night.” And he would not let me go. I said, “Is there a woman here, you came from the hospital, your daughter’s dying?” She raised her hand, “That’s me,” among thousands of people. I said, “I’m sorry, but the Lord told me to tell you, she’s already passed.”

SID: That had to be so hard for you to do.

DAVID: Horrible. I said, “That’s not the way to start a crusade with miracles.” I said, “Lord, what do I do now? She’s crying.” He says, “Raise her from the dead.” “But she’s not here. She’s in a hospital in another city.” And he said, “But David, you know this. There’s no distance in my glory. You’ve taught this.” “Yeah, okay.” I said, “What direction is the hospital?” I pointed to it, I began calling her spirit back in her body. And sure enough, she went back to the body, back to the hospital and they said, “Ma’am your daughter died shortly after you left. We warned you not to leave, that she would die. But at a certain hour,” the hour we were praying, “she came back to life.” She had a sheet covering her, pronounced dead, and it freaked out the doctors. And she was raised from the dead, from a distance.

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sidroth on May 15th, 2022

PAT: Tell us!

SANDRA: I was on the plane. My brother called and said my mom was in a coma and I knew that. I was working up in Baltimore and he said she probably will not recognize you. I got on the plane to come home, and on the plane, I heard what I thought was a typewriter. And it simply went “Our Father, which art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Tell your mother there is no sickness in heaven!”

PAT: Mmm!

SANDRA: And it shocked me! I mean I was in my twenties. It shocked me and I heard it three times very clearly! It was just the same identical words. And I ended up saying tell somebody else. I mean you know I was just frightened. I didn’t know what. And I really had never seen anyone really healed per se. So I get home. I had just three months earlier led my older sister to the Lord. I get home. Sure enough, I get home Friday night. They said mother would be dead by Sunday! And when I got there my sister called and she said I don’t know if I had a dream or what but the Lord wants us to say, “Our Father, which art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Tell mama there is no sickness in heaven!”

PAT: Wow! Out of the mouth of two!

SANDRA: And I said okay. So that was Friday night. Saturday morning she comes over to mamas. Mama’s stretched out on the bed. We’re sitting in little chairs beside her just like this. She didn’t know we were there. And mama weighed probably about 150 or 160 and she was down to about like a 120. And she was just stretched out in front of us. We were crazy. We didn’t know any better. You know God honors crazy not knowing any better! I mean –

PAT: Come on!

SANDRA: [Laughing] It’s just faith. He just goes with you when you’re with Him, you know?

PAT: Yeah!

SANDRA: And we sat down and we did exactly what I said. 5 hours! 5 hours! We did nothing but “Our Father, which art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. There’s no sickness in heaven, mama!”

PAT: Declaration!

SANDRA: Over and over! Now today I’m so glad I didn’t know any better because I did that for a while. My sister did it for a while. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Today knowing me I would have thought ahh, this is going to go on a good little while. Let me throw in some more scriptures. 

PAT: Right, right, right, right!

SANDRA: Let me do this. Let me do that. 

PAT: It’s the simplicity heart!

SANDRA: Yeah. Let me bring in. Get the Bible out. 

PAT: Right.

SANDRA: We don’t have to keep saying this. I didn’t know that. So we kept saying only what God said! I hope somebody’s listening! [Laughing]

PAT: Tell it! Tell it!

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sidroth on May 5th, 2022

SANDRA: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much! You all are kind! Thank you! Thank you! I’m going to take something very simple based on the other things that you’ve been hearing pertaining to healing and try to – a story that you have heard, Lord knows probably more than any other story in the Bible about healing. The one with the issue of blood. And I’m going to narrow it down and try to make it so simple and so easy that if you don’t get healed I’m going to hit you with the microphone!

AUDIENCE: [Laughter]     

SANDRA: How does that go? Amen?


SANDRA: That you can just take hold of it! You know the number one reason people don’t get healed really is a lack of knowledge! And you know you want somebody else to do it for you or you know this, that or the other. But if you really listen she gives a perfect, perfect outline of how to make this happen! I’m going to show you something. Give me three people right here. Let me just shake ‘em all up with all the cameras. You three people right here. Just come here! Fast, fast, fast! You’re wasting my time! Glory to God!

AUDIENCE: [Laughter]

SANDRA: All right. Everybody turn this way. Everybody turn this way. One in front of the other. One in front of the other. Hey! Look at this way. Look at me!

WOMAN: Okay.

SANDRA: One behind the other.

WOMAN: Oh, I see.

MAN: Come here, sweetie.

WOMAN: Oh. Gotcha.

SANDRA: Could I have three more? And I’m teasing! [Laughs] I’m teasing! Okay. If you’re a spirit. If you’re a spirit, soul and body you’re three people. Okay? Made up of three components. Amen? Spirit, soul and body. And listen to this! I’m going to tell you real fast! Get it! You are a spirit. You have a soul. You live in a body. You’re a spirit man. When you got born again the Holy Ghost moved inside of you! You with me? The Holy Ghost came inside of you when you got born again. Okay? This is your soul. Your mind, your will, your emotions. This is your body. You’re sick. Look sick. You look too healthy. Look sick!

AUDIENCE: [Laughter]

SANDRA: All right. Here we go! Now. So here we have you get born again. The Holy Spirit who is the healer?


SANDRA: The healer comes inside of your born again spirit man the minute you get born again. Anybody listening?   


SANDRA: Who’d I say moved in you?

AUDIENCE: The Holy Spirit.

SANDRA: Who is the?


SANDRA: Healer! So the healer came inside of you when you got born again! Okay? I got born again people sitting in here?


SANDRA: So the healer came inside of you. You got a soul. Your mind, your will, your emotions. This is the filter. This is the guy. This is right here. This is we got to take care of your thinking. This is your thinking process. This is the body. It just goes where everybody else goes. It’s here for the ride! The body’s here for the ride. The body is going to follow the directions of the soul. Okay? So what your problem is your soul! You’re thinking! We got to get your thinking healed before we can get your body healed!

AUDIENCE: Amen!   

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sidroth on April 25th, 2022

BRENDA: And I know this to be fact, that we are going to see some mighty conversions. We are going to see people that breathed out threatening’s against God’s people, people that breathed out threatening’s against your family, your children, your business, come on, somebody, some, the people that pushed against you. We are going to see the greatest shift and turn. And hearts are going to be changed. That’s what we’re coming into, mass salvations. Come on, salvations like we’d never seen before are coming on this nation and the nations of the earth. This is what we’re coming into.

SID: Well, when you said, that people that are the least likely on television—

BRENDA: That’s right.

SID: … are going to turn to the Lord. Watch what happens to the late night comedians that are anti-God, watch what’s going to happen to them. Now, how would you like a legal, no fly zone for demons over your home and to create a heavenly atmosphere? Be right back.

BRENDA: This is the time to decree a thing and let it be established in your house and in your family, in Jesus’ name.

SID: I am going to have Brenda Kunneman declare some of the decrees right from her book. And I’m going to tell you something, the demons will tremble. For instance, the first one I want you to decree is peace in our homes.


SID: Would you like the demons in your home to tremble when she’s declares this—

Audience:  Yes.

SID: … peace in your home?

BRENDA: Well, I want you to get an agreement with this right now. Come on. We’re saying this is, we decree, not just you, I’m an agreement with you. So I wanted to decree this over [inaudible 00:16:14]. I want you to pull this into your Spirit right now. I see these words over you in your house. I say, we decree that our home, come on, say it with me, is filled with God’s unsurpassable peace. The anointing, the atmosphere is saturated with tranquility. Come on. Some of you need that right now. It’s filled with serenity.

And say this with me, we rely on the Lord’s peace. Come on. You can’t create your own peace. You need it from God. And it provides for us a sense of assurance in our minds and our emotions. And we declare, we’re relaxed. We’re calm. We break the powers of agitation, mayhem, chaos, disarray in the name of Jesus. And we cast out any evil spirit that would bring disorder to the atmosphere, we declare.

Come on, declare it like you mean it. That those who dwell in our home contribute to peace. We speak that every person who enters our home is enveloped in heavenly peace. And we say that our home is a place where guests feel God’s supernatural rest upon them right now. Come on and take it. And it opens a way for miracles in their lives. We speak great peace upon our home in the mighty name of Jesus. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

SID: Empowers your life, the glory, the manifest presence, the goodness of God to saturate your entire home 24/7. Even the dog doesn’t stand a chance.

BRENDA: I love it.

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sidroth on April 15th, 2022

JAMIE: And so you’re becoming a mouthpiece for God!

SHAWN: Yes. You get a download from heaven for someone’s life you know? You must know the secrets of men’s heart, you know? And this is one of the parts that the Lord wants us to know because it’s a love language between the Father and His creation. He wants to let us know that He loves us very much and knowing that the Father hears us is very powerful! Knowing that He knows every detail about our lives this is what makes an impact and I believe the prophetic is one of the most powerful evangelistic tools for the body of Christ!

JAMIE: Wow! What is one way that you found that increases your accuracy in hearing the secrets of God?

SHAWN: Silence! You know most people love to talk, talk, talk. You know we love to pray, we love to shout.

JAMIE: Come on!

SHAWN: We’re trying to rend the heavens. But sometimes you know the Lord just wants us to be silent and really hear Him! You know, be still and know that He’s the Lord! You know it’s in silence that He really talks to us because you know it’s not so much of a dialogue or a monologue. You know God wants to really like embed things into us but it’s through silence! It’s in the still small voice, not the loud racing voice!

JAMIE: I am so tracking with you, Shawn!


JAMIE: Because when I get alone with God and I get silent that’s when I feel I receive the most!

SHAWN: Correct. Correct.

JAMIE: You know for me it looks like laying on my back, you know? And I do certain things just to keep myself awake. Sometimes I fall asleep. What does that look like for you?

SHAWN: Well sometimes I’ll play soaking music and I get into the presence of God and I allow myself to first of all calm myself down. Calm the soulish man so the spirit man can come more to the forefront! And sometimes you have to relax. You get in a prostrated state and you allow the Lord to just begin to download to you and it comes through the realm of imagination as well –


SHAWN: That He begins to show you visions. He begins to give you utterance or He just gives you those silent whispers that you need to listen for through silence and through relaxing the body. Keeping the soulish man at ease.

JAMIE: That’s amazing! So when you’re in that moment of silence are you getting words for other people?

SHAWN: Yes. Yes. We get words for other people which is the word of knowledge.

JAMIE: Yeah.

SHAWN: And God will give me certain details about people’s lives. Their names. Sometimes their addresses. Sometimes what they’re going through and so when I come to the service that just opens up as I begin to go forward and talk to them.

JAMIE: So you’re already prepared.


JAMIE: You have an advanced word.


JAMIE: You know God gave it to you beforehand.


JAMIE: And you’re walking into the meeting or into the – you know encounter and so you hear from God already.

SHAWN: Yes. Yes.

JAMIE: You know tell me what that looks like when you know it’s time to deliver that word.

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