sidroth on February 2nd, 2018



ART:  And this guy goes the guy who healed me told me to carry my mat. You know I think that’s a little good authority. Right? You know? They said who was it? He said I don’t know because Jesus had slipped away into the crowd. So that gives us a clue that at this point in Jesus’ ministry John chapter 5 it’s early. He’s still flying under the radar. Remember He’s in Jerusalem. If He’d come out and healed every single person there He might have been crucified early instead of at the fullness of time after He had done everything He was sent here to do. Now there’s another aspect to this. He comes back to the man and He says do you believe in the Son of Man? Do you believe in the Messiah? And He has this conversation with him. Introduces Himself to him. This was a guy who had no faith. He didn’t know who Jesus was. He didn’t believe in Jesus being the Messiah. You know? Yet he was healed anyway because Jesus ministered to him. Now why didn’t Jesus heal all the other sick people who were there at the Pool of Bethesda? Number One, like we said, flying under the radar. But Number Two. I think this is really interesting. Just because He didn’t lay hands on everyone doesn’t mean He didn’t want everyone healed. I have people come to me and ask me if you really believe God wants to heal all and you’re seeing all these results like you say you’re seeing, which personally one on one I see a majority healed. I don’t see 100%. I see a lot of people I’ve laid hands on and I don’t see results. And it’s heartbreaking cause you care about people. But to just be real with you, you’ve going to press through the struggle and keep giving the burden to Jesus, not just carrying it for yourself. That’s Biblical. “Cast your burdens on Him for He cares for you.” It would be sin for me to carry the emotional weight of that but I still have to take responsibility and ask the Lord to change me. But now here we go. People ask me why don’t you just go and empty out a hospital? That’s a valid question and I tell them that. That’s a very fair question too. Cause they say if I could do what you could do I’d be at the hospital. I’d empty it out. And I’m like God bless you, you can do what I can do. Go to the hospital and empty it out!




ART:  Now the truth is I’m just one guy. Okay? Now we know the logistical problems. What hospital is going to let some random guy walk in and lay hands on every person in every bed? But if that was allowed logistically I’m just one guy. I would burn myself out. And honestly when would I meet your expectation? Because even if I did go in a hospital and empty it out you’d say why don’t you go to the next hospital? When would I ever satisfy your demands when the truth is I’ve got a calling and a mission on my life to train and equip the Church to do the same things which is even better because then all of you go in His name and now there’s millions of Jesus-like ministers of healing who can empty out hospitals because it’s not too much of a burden on one person. And here’s the beauty of this. The Pool of Bethesda, when you look on a map of Jerusalem, it’s just outside the Sheep Gate and just inside the Sheep Gate is Solomon’s Colonnade. Acts chapter 5: “Every single person who was brought to the believers was healed.” And remember John chapter 5, it said “Here a number of sick and injured people used to lie.” Why didn’t they lay there anymore? The Bible doesn’t expressly say it but I’d better believe if there’s a whole bunch of sick people laying there and somebody goes Hey, just the other side of this gate everybody’s getting healed. Guess what? Carry me, buddy! Get me over there! Right? I’m not sticking around here waiting for some angel that may never show up. It’s working over there.




ART:  Those Christians were clearing out the sick from Jerusalem. And that’s what I want to see. That’s my vision for the Church. See we are the body of Jesus in this world. Everyone who touched Jesus’ body was healed. And now you’re His body. Yes, physically He is in heaven at the right hand of the Father and He does have a physical body there but practically speaking according to First Corinthians 12 and Romans 12, various other scriptures, Ephesians 4, we are His body in this earth. I like to say that a head doesn’t just get from Point A to Point B on its own. Fair? Jesus has permanently submitted Himself to relationship with you. You see Jesus could appear to every single person on the planet right now at the drop of a hat and preach the gospel to them! But He doesn’t. Why? Because He commissioned you. Jesus could snap his fingers and heal every single person on the planet! But He doesn’t. Why? Because He commissioned you. That’s the beauty of following this Jesus. He’s the one who paid for it. He’s the one who wants it. And I guarantee He will do His work. It’s inevitable. Now some other thoughts. Other arguments that people have. Paul’s “thorn in the flesh.” That’s a great one. People always ask what was Paul’s thorn in the flesh? Now it’s a great question because there’s so much debate and confusion about it but it’s actually kind of a silly question     because the Bible actually says what Paul’s thorn in the flesh was. Did you know that? It says “There was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan sent to torment me.” Now that’s pretty clear. In fact the Greek word for messenger is “angelos” which is the word translated “angel,” an angel of Satan. And there’s only two other places that mention angels of Satan. Like the dragon and his angels were thrown down to the earth. Right? And I don’t remember what the other one is but only two places and it’s always referring to demons. So pretty simple. A demon of Satan was given to him. A messenger of Satan was given to him to keep him humble. Now what did that demon do? That’s the part that’s a debate. Okay? It was just a demon. Now some demons can cause a physical problems. Sure. I’ve seen a whole lot of that happen. But in this case I’ve walked through all these questions. You know some of the popular theories like Paul having an eye problem. I mean I’ve written about this extensively. There’s no way to make that work. In fact if you want to read a classic book that’ll teach you that, F.F. Bosworth wrote one and thoroughly dismantled the idea that Paul had an eye problem. It’s kind of ridiculous when you see the logic of it especially looking at the fullness of the New Testament. But, yeah, I personally believe that it was a demon inciting persecution everywhere Paul went. Cause he faced more persecution than anybody. In fact he said it was sent to buffet me and that word “buffet” means repeated blows [sounds of his fists hitting] as with a fist. Now furthermore some people question maybe this is my thorn in the flesh or something like that. I say, no. Throw that away. Because you know you’re telling me that you… Smith Wigglesworth. Actually if you know who he is. He was a minister back in the early 1900’s. And he… a woman came to him and said that and if I remember right he said something like are you so prideful that you think you’ve had such an abundance of revelations as Paul did that you need a thorn in the flesh? Be healed in Jesus name and the woman got healed. (laughs)

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sidroth on January 17th, 2018



BRIAN:  Daniel, he had insights. Unusual insights that we’re only now walking in to. The days of Daniel are upon us. The fulfillment of the prophetic writings. And Daniel said in the Last Days many will go here and there. Many will go here and there and revelation knowledge will increase and the books will be opened, 66 of them, and the spirit of revelation is going to come upon us and no longer will the word of God be a dead dry manual of doctrines that only load more guilt to the soul but we’re going to understand the sweet breath, the heavenly wind that inspired the writings of scripture to impart life, strength, glory and that every verse of the Bible becomes an on ramp into the heavenly realm as we beat the book. We enroll into the seminary of divine glory. In a true sense you could call a prophet someone who’s met with God because if you’ve not met with God you’re not, you don’t have anything to say. And we have to be, the church has to be fed, taught, led and blessed by men and women that have had amazing encounters. Dreams that set in course our destiny. Visitations that align us with heaven and get us out of our own thoughts and limitations and put us in the stream of revelation, the books of Bliss that we walk in that realm where it’s heaven, not man. Dust and deity kissed and it’s you. Dust and deity have kissed and now you are a human being operating in two realms at once. I’m a bi-locational minister.




BRIAN:  Every night I go to bed I consecrate my pillow. Make it a pillar. Take me. Speak to me. And if I’m too dense speak to my wife.




BRIAN:  Help her. It’s so amazing. When I’m not hearing from God the Lord busts me by giving my wife a word for me.      But I love being married to someone that loves Jesus and wants to hear His voice like I do. Throughout contemporary history men and women have had encounters with God. Life changing that altered the world. Our church fathers wrote, such as Augustine, Luther, Wesley. All of them had tremendous deep encounters with God that changed their lives. The writings of Jonathan Edwards, Count Zinzendorf,       Charles Finney, who is one of my favorite role models.    Maria Woodworth Etter, D.L. Moody and Billy Graham have all been marked with encounters. After, I hope it’s many, many years from now, but after his passing there will come out the supernatural realm that has been operating with Billy Graham. Psalm 42, I long to drink of you of God, drinking deeply from the streams of pleasure    flowing from Your presence. My longings overwhelm me for more of God. My soul thirsts, pants and longs for the living God. And then he says these words. I want to come and see the face of God. I want to give you a few points before we leave. You can have an encounter with God. You can expect it, ask for it, wait for it. Don’t believe that it won’t happen to you. Or let me say it positively. Believe that you’re in line for a visitation. And understand that it will come when you don’t expect it. You do not choose. He does. The second thing is you can have a supernatural encounter and initially not realize what’s going on. Two disciples were walking with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. And by the way it gives the name of one of them, the name Cleopas. It’s a woman. It’s never been translated properly. It was a woman. Some scholars believe it could have been Peter and his wife, but her name got mentioned. And what did they say about walking with Jesus? It said as He opened up the scriptures that their hearts… what was it?


AUDIENCE:  Burned.


BRIAN:  Burned within them. And they didn’t even realize. It’s 17 miles from Jerusalem to the present day city of Emmaus. It’s not really a city, it’s just a place there. I drove right by it. I asked our guide to point it out to me. And in our tour bus we really were kind of going the road to Emmaus. It was very fascinating. And Emmaus is a word that means “the burning place.” So on the way to the fire, the “glory fire,” their hearts began to burn and they didn’t even know it was Jesus! It’s like Jacob. God is in this place and I knew it not. You see God can be in this place and you’re not even aware of what’s going on! And the third, it will happen when you are ready. Your idea of when you’re ready and God’s idea of when you’re ready, there may be a slight difference. You’re idea of being ready is when you’ve prayed, fasted, no sin in your life, you drive right. You know you kissed your wife good morning and good night and you’ve done everything you’re supposed to do. You’ve been a good man, a good woman in the church, then you’re ready for His visitation. It’s the opposite. Jacob got it when he was running from God, running from his destiny. People can get it in lonely places. Some of the desperation that you may feel crowding into your heart right now is the preparation of heaven for your visitation. Bless the Lord for all that He’s bringing into your life. Praise Him. Praise your way up that stairway and expect the Lord to bless you, to enrich you. Jacob said the words “how astonishing and awe inspiring is this place.” I was taken to the Sea of Glass. It was the most amazing blue. Well let me back up and tell you how it happened. For years I was praying and I would see blue. I would go into blue. I’d close my eyes and I’d just see blue, this deep, deep blue. And I didn’t know what it was but I prayed my way through it. And then finally one day I realized this is like sapphire blue. This is like heavenly blue. So I decided to yield to this blue. I called it going into the blue. Until one day I actually went right and stood on the sapphire pavement. I saw the throne of God. It was far but near at the same time I can’t describe it. The heavenly activity that was sweet and terrifying at the same time. Seven torches burning on the sea of glass. And the Lord spoke my name and motioned me to come. He stood from the throne. I mean this is like heart-stopping. What am I here for? What’s is going to happen to me? Why am I summoned? And I stopped at a proper distance from the throne. And the Lord spoke to me. His lips were moving but I could not hear what He was saying. It wasn’t in a different language. I just like I couldn’t perceive what He was saying to me. He realized I was clueless so He called for an angel, a messenger. He wrote down on a scroll what He wanted me to hear and He handed it to the angel who gave it to me. As I opened up the scroll it said Philippians 1:21 “for to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” That was the message. It’s been my life message. Wouldn’t you like to have a scroll with your life message on it? You guy’s okay? You with me?

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sidroth on January 10th, 2018



KEVIN:  Hallelujah! So I just want to talk to you a just little bit today about God’s angels and understanding how you as born-again blood-bought believers in Yeshua, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you have the liberty to co-labor with God’s angels to release them to minister for those people who are in your sphere of influence and also in your own life. Amen?




KEVIN:  How many of you believe that you have an angel? Many of you. Praise God. You know Jesus teaching in the Book of Matthew he had them bring a little child to him and he said please do not offend one of these little children because I tell you the truth in heaven their angel always beholds the face of my Father. Now here’s a question for you. Raise your hand if you answer yes. How many of you were once were little children?




KEVIN:   Hallelujah. Do you believe just because you grew up that you’ve lost your angel? The answer is no but what happens many times when we’re little children we have what I like to call Hebraic mindset. You know when we’re little children we just have that child-like faith. We just believe. But when we grow up our mind becomes westernized and we get over into a Greek mindset but just because you grew up does not mean that you’ve lost your angel that always beholds the face of your Father.  Hallelujah. Some people believe those are guardian angels and I believe we all have at least one angel and I want to share a little bit with you today about God’s angels and how you can have the grace and the authority not only to understand at their presence or discern them like we just did when we smelled that beautiful bouquet of heaven, hallelujah, thank You Jesus, but to learn how you can actually activate them or co-labor with them. How many of you would like to co-labor with God’s angels? Hallelujah! This is available to you today. Now before I go further let me say this to you. In the Book of Revelations 19:10 John the Apostle had a “seer” experience. God opened up his spiritual eyes and he began to see into the spiritual dynamics and he saw an angel and scripture says in Revelations 19:10 that he fell down at the feet, he said I fell down out the feet of this angel to worship him but the angel rebuked him and said see that you do not do that. Worship Jesus because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Amen? Hallelujah. Who’s the person here that from time to time you have numbness and tingling in your hands and your hands get cold and you lose feeling in your hands? Is that person in the back? You want to come up here real quick if that’s okay. I just want to, I want to minister to you. And everybody I don’t want you to be a spectator. Just pray in the Spirit while she comes. Thank you, Father. Thank you Father for healing this precious saint right now in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Just one minute, brother. Is it the left hand or the right hand? Hold my hand. Here it comes. Steve, can you just assist me? Somebody just assist me. It’s okay. Here it comes. Thank You Holy Spirit. Father, we just thank You for touching this nerves in the shoulder, in the elbow, and in the hands and in the name of Jesus, Yeshua ha Mashiach I thank you for releasing a creative miracle into this hand, into this arm. It goes down your leg sometimes too, right? Yeah and it’s going to be healed in that hip and legs being healed right now in Jesus’ mighty name. You feel the heat in the, you feel the feeling coming back in that hand right now? Begin to move it. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord.


WOMAN #1:  I’ve got tingling and pain periodically. I fell on my hand and my wrist has been hurting so badly and the doctor won’t do surgery or anything.


KEVIN:  Move it around. Move it around. Is the pain gone? Hallelujah.


WOMAN #1:  And I have arthritis in my hand as well.


KEVIN:  Let me pray again. Thank You Jesus. Thank You for restoring her feeling. And thank You Father God for taking authority over this, we take authority over this pain. Thank You for healing this pain. We take authority over shock and trauma in Jesus’ name. Precious woman of God I want to ask you just to begin to move your hand. Does it feel like there’s any difference there now?


WOMAN #1:  There is!


KEVIN:  Can you say thank you Jesus?


WOMAN #1:  Thank You, Jesus.




KEVIN:  C’mon, give God a hand clap of praise.




KEVIN:  Hallelujah. Now I’m just believing as we complete this session if you’ll just keep moving that hand that you’re going to be totally healed. Somebody give God praise.




KEVIN:  Brother, just put your hands up. Put your hands up to heaven right now. Father, in Jesus’ name I just release angels of healing and a miracle to touch that brother, to touch his arm and to touch his hand right now in Jesus’ mighty name. Father, we thank You for the call of God to preach the gospel the kingdom that’s upon his life and I thank You that his hand, the numbness in his hand is being healed right now. Somebody give God praise. Hallelujah.




KEVIN:  Let me tell you something. This realm of God’s kingdom is real. Amen? There was a time when I was taken up into heaven and I came to stand before Jesus and he assigned four angels. The second angel he assigned to me was an angel of healing and miracles. Let me just say to you that God has thousands, millions of angels of healing and miracles that he wants to assign to people who believe in Yeshua. Hallelujah. Does anybody in here believe in Yeshua?


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sidroth on January 3rd, 2018

DAVE: Yeah, that is actually a common experience and the first few times it happens to people if you have fear or anxiety you can stop the experience. If you allow the experience to continue what you’ll probably find is you’ll continue going up and continue going up and you’ll eventually end up in the throne room of heaven or someplace like that. I had an experience like that six months ago. I was just at that phase where I was falling asleep. I wasn’t fully asleep yet and that’s where this happens a lot. Spiritual travel very often happens early in the morning or late at night right as you’re either waking up or going to sleep. That’s when it most commonly happens. I’m not sure why. But I was starting to, I was just going to sleep and I could feel myself lifting out of my body and I knew where I was going. I was going to the heavens. I was going to heaven to get a scroll because I had listened to a teaching before I went to sleep by Mike Parsons who is a great teacher on this sort of thing. And Mike was talking about going to the heavens and getting scrolls of destiny, scrolls from the Lord to give you revelation about what you’re doing. So I was so excited listening to this message I literally gave my spirit permission to travel that night. Okay? So I go to sleep and I just told my spirit you have permission to go to the heavens and get whatever you wanna do and my spirit took off as soon as I was half asleep “shooom!” I went up into the heavens. I got some scrolls from the heavens. I came back down and when I woke in the morning I had another similar experience where I went into the heavens again. It’s common to have those experiences when you’re asleep or close to sleep or taking a nap because your soul is starting to kind of drop off and your spirit is now more in control of your body and what you’re doing. You don’t need to be afraid especially if it’s a praise and worship experience. I mean you’re probably gonna to end up in the throne room of heaven with angels worshipping the Lord which is nothing wrong with that. Questions?


WOMAN #2:  Hi. I had an experience two weeks ago where I had just fell asleep and I started having a dream with the likeness of my father. In the dream it was like a sexual perverted type of dream and I began… wanted to show my father love and as I started showing him love he started manifesting in the dream. And it got to the point where my father had actually turned into Satan. And I was rebuking him and then I woke up out of my sleep, got up, took my pillow and tossed it across the room. And started, it’s like Satan was literally in front of me in my room and I was just like how dare you, you know, come in my room and you know just rebuking and saying scriptures. So what… is that kind of like travelling in the spirit?


DAVE: Yeah. I don’t know if that’s a travelling in the spirit experience. It sounds more like you were having a direct confrontation with the demon or maybe Satan which manifested as… I mean familiar spirits often mimic our ancestors, relatives, people who have, especially ones who have passed on. People that we have an attraction to or an affinity for. A lot of times evil spirits will pretend to be those people in dreams and experiences to try to kind of get hooks in us. But you did the right thing. You rebuked it and confronted it. And you know get outa here in Jesus name, and that’s exactly what you should do. One more question. We got one back here.


WOMAN #3: Yeah. Frequently at night when I go to sleep I’ll see a large light and it’ll shrink down to a small light like I’m backing up through a tunnel…


DAVE: Put your mic by your mouth.


WOMAN #3: Did you hear any of that?


DAVE: Go ahead.


WOMAN #3: Frequently at night I see a large light when I close my eyes and it’ll go down to a smaller light like I’m backing up through a tunnel. Does that…


DAVE: Does anything happen after that?


WOMAN #3: No.


DAVE: You just see the light in the tunnel?


WOMAN #3: Yeah.


DAVE: I have no idea what that’s about. I have never heard of that. Interesting. Ask the Lord. One more question up here.

MAN:  Hi. A couple of years ago I had a pretty foundational experience for my faith. For like five days, three days I was fasting and I was asking the Lord I specifically felt like He wanted me to pursue Him on hearing His voice very clearly for prophetic purposes and for getting direction and things and then I woke up in the middle of the night out of a dream where someone was following me and like actually doing like voodoo rituals and things like that. Following me into rooms and I would see them out of the corner of my eye. When I woke up from the dream there was like I had… I remembered the time on the clock and there was a motion tracker on my phone I use for sleep so later I knew that this was actually something that happened. It wasn’t sleep paralysis. And I actually saw a physical like black cloud or a mist or something and there was like interaction and it was trying to pick me up out of my bed and things like that. I commanded it to leave but ever since then I’ve always had trouble. I never really broke that barrier of being able to very clearly and surely hear the voice of the Lord so what advice would you have for someone who had an experience like that?


DAVE: Okay. That is really a good example of a very common problem people have. You say sleep paralysis. Were you physically unable to move?


MAN:  No.


DAVE:  In part of the experience?


MAN: Part of the experience.


DAVE:  Part of the experience you got temporarily paralyzed.


MAN: Uh, huh.


DAVE:  Were you able to talk?


MAN: Um, I don’t know if it was fear or some kind of biological thing or…


DAVE: Were you able to talk or not?


MAN: I was not very able to talk.


DAVE: Okay. Right. So that’s really common. You’d be surprised how many people have these experiences especially when, and this is gonna help you. It happened to me. It’s happened to a lot of people I know. When you start to pursue God, when you start to hear His voice and you want to operate in the supernatural and you want to start healing and you want to start doing these things the first thing the enemy does is send one of these paralyzing spirits into your life to try to intimidate and frighten you. They usually either paralyze you physically. Take away your voice or both. If you speak the name of Jesus, even if think the name of Jesus this thing will leave. When I was… it happened to me I couldn’t talk and I was mumbling and I was trying to get Jesus out and I couldn’t. My wife woke up. She’s like, she knew it was a demon because I was “mmm” mumbling and rolling around. And so she started praying in tongues and commanding it to go and it left. This attack for some reason usually happens right when you start seeking God. So know this. The enemy knows what you’re doing and doesn’t like. So keep doing it.

MAN: Okay.


DAVE: So keep pursuing. You will hear the voice of God.




DAVE: All right. Cool. You guys have been an awesome audience. Thank you for being here. I’m gonna pray a quick prayer if I may. I pray that God is gonna open your spiritual eyes, your spiritual ears and your other spiritual senses to receive His revelation and to grow in faith for the supernatural. I encourage you all to be patient in the process of learning to live a supernatural life. It is a process. Do not beat yourself up. Be patient. The Lord is going to work through you and mature you in the supernatural life. I’d also encourage you to be persistent. Don’t quit. Don’t get discouraged. Don’t give up. Those are all the lies of the enemy. The Lord wants you to live a supernatural life. It takes patience. Just trust that God is going to do what He promised. Step out of your comfort zone and expect the miraculous to happen when you do. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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sidroth on December 19th, 2017

SID: And so Naim was telling me just during that break that he then got a further report on that woman with cancer. What did you find out?


NAIM: Yes. Later on, Sid, I got an email from the relative of the lady that I prayed for in the meeting. She said, “You didn’t know actually that she was dealing with stage 4 cancer, and what you sensed by the Holy Spirit was on point.” And she said, “I just wanted to let you know to confirm that when she went back to the doctor, the doctor had confirmed that she was totally healed.” They could not find it. It wasn’t in remission. In fact, she went to a second opinion because the first doctor, she wanted to make sure that this report was sure and it was accurate. And so she went to two other opinions and they confirmed that cancer was totally eradicated and destroyed out of her life.


SID: Wow. Now Hakeem, people look at both of you, and you look happy and everything. But you went through a season where your prayers were being blocked and you couldn’t figure out what was going on. So you went into prayer and fasting, and what did God show you?


HAKEEM: Well one of the things that God showed me was that there are spiritual blockages. There are spiritual hindrances that keep us from really moving towards our prophetic destiny. And so one of the patterns that I found was that whenever I get a prophetic word or a prophesy, or there’s a dream that God has placed in my heart, or there is a vision that I know that God has given me, usually right after that prophecy or after that dream, or after that vision what happens is there will be this sudden attack. The enemy will always, when there is a true prophecy or there is a true word, or something that you’re believing God, what happens is right after that word is released, there is an onslaught of attacks that is released. So I found myself in this cycle. I found myself in this pattern where I was finding myself like I couldn’t get ahead. I found myself three steps forward, and then next, I’m like six steps back. And so what God began to show me in the season of fasting and prayer is that there are enemies against your prophecy, there are enemies against your destiny. And so God reminded me of Paul when he charged his son Timothy, he said he had to remind him of the prophecy that was spoken over him, and he says, “Wage a good warfare.” In other words, we have to use our prophecy as a weapon against the enemy.


SID: How do you do that? How do you do exactly what he said? Use our prophecy as a weapon, I like that, against our enemy.

HAKEEM: Well it’s the Word of God. We know that the Word of God is a sure word of prophecy. Even if you never receive a prophecy or a Word, but you can believe God at his Word and you can use it as a sword and as a weapon against what the enemy is saying. So if the enemy says you will never fulfill your destiny, you have to now reverse it. There is a power of reversal in your mouth. We have to use our prophecy as a weapon and say, this is what God said, I believe what God said and it shall happen. The Bible says, “What we shall decree with him, it shall be established.”


SID: Okay, here’s what I want you to do right now. I want you to decree whatever God shows you for blessing over the people that are watching.


HAKEEM: Sure. We know that the decree is an official order by those who have legal authority. And I prophesy right now over those who are watching right now. My brother talked about the curse and he talked about the woman that had the cancer. But I decree and declare right now those who are sick mentally, those who are sick, physically sick, those who are financially and hindered, I prophesy and decree and declare that this is a season of breakthrough. I decree and declare that you shall arise from that sick bed. You shall take up your bed and walk. I decree that the Glory, the healing Glory of God’s power is being released right now. I decree and declare that you will no longer stay stuck. I decree and declare, and I command that you are made whole by the power and the Word that is spoken right now. I decree and declare that even I see this woman right now that’s been praying for her son who is in jail and the Lord is saying, today, he is going to be released. He said, I am vindicating, I’m releasing. I see the cell opening right now. I hear the Lord saying, “In this season that that jail cell is opening and I’m releasing my angels right now that is releasing your loved one.” I decree and declare that this will no longer be a season of setback. This will no longer be a season of delay. You will accelerate, I prophesy, I command that you will arise and be great in your generation.


NAIM: I even will say that even the Lord says that even where the Word where the King is there is power. And so as we decree and we establish that even over your life whatever situation that you’re in, whatever situation that looks like it is hopeless, we now decree and we just turn around everything. We prophesy that this is the season of your turnaround. We prophesy this is the season of your comeback. We remove every block, we remove every hurdle, we speak to every mountain, we decree that it be removed now in the name of Jesus. We decree and declare that we will overrule and override, and we veto every demonic legislation against your life, against your family, and we break every generational curse that has been spoken over your life, and we release it now in Jesus’s mighty name.


SID: Now, I’m going to tell you, the presence of God is so awesome on this set right now. All things are possible. When we come back there’s something that so few believers understand that is totally hindering the blessings of God and the destiny of God in your life. We’ll be right back.

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sidroth on December 12th, 2017

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. You know, most of us, we have this vision of God speaking to us with an audible voice like the Ten Commandments, and we can hear that booming voice. Well my guests say that we all should hear from God, but there are unexpected ways, it’s like we’re on AM and God’s on FM, and but it’s happening all around us. Like for instance, do you ever see a pattern of numbers, the same number over and over, and over? Do you hear the same name? Do you hear a scripture? Did you see an event that’s not supposed to be, but it was there? That could be God speaking to you. And do you know what else? Once you become aware of this you’re going to open up your hearing God like never before.


Is there a supernatural dimension, a world beyond the one we know? Is there life after death? Do angels exist? Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven? Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural? Are healing miracles real? Sid Roth has spent over 35 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition of It’s Supernatural.


SID: A couple of years ago you came to the United States, both of you, to do a show for us, and I invited both of you to be at our prayer meeting. And Holy Spirit picked one particular person out, it happened to be a manager in our office, and you started by asking a question: Do you  have any children? She said, “Yes, I have one.” And then you said, “But I see another child.” And she turned a color. Let me tell you way [red]. Because it’s not that she was ashamed that she was having a child, it was because she hadn’t told anyone, especially her boss. She wanted her boss to be the first, but you were the first.


ADAM: Yes, I put my foot in it.


SID: Now, I asked you at dinner last night about how you know these things and you told me there’s an angel that accompanies you, and sometimes he like leans on your shoulder. Explain that. What does that mean?


ADAM: That’s right. When I’m ministering at the pulpit, it can even happen when I’m having dinner as well, an angel leans on me, and what happens is that he leans on me and I can get pictures and images, moving pictures sometimes. I could spell out details about someone’s life, about their condition, their sickness, even their child, perhaps even the child’s name and the condition. And what happens is faith just crashes into the meeting and pretty much God releases the miraculous.


SID: Tell me about that. So that’s you. That’s good. You’re a prophet. You’re, the Bible says there’s fivefold ministers and you are a prophet. But what about me? What about you, just average people, [can we] know our destiny, know our purpose, our function, our calling, what we’re supposed to do?


ADAM: I believe everybody can have it if you’re hungry enough. We can all be prophetic and hear from God. But for me, God didn’t just wave a wand and I had this. I had to carve it out. There’s one thing to have the grace of God over your life and that’s free, but to fulfill the destiny can come with a price, and you just got to be hungry and passionate to fulfill the destiny of God, and if you ask, you receive.

SID: Adrian, you have opened up my world and I want you to open the world of those that are watching. Tell me some of the ways God speaks to us, and he doesn’t speak to us. He’s speaking to us all the time, and once the light bulb goes on you’re going to know. Tell me some of the ways.


ADRIAN: Before I tell you some of the ways, Sid, I believe that we’re all prophetic. We may not all be fivefold like Adam, but we all have a prophetic edge, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to enter the Kingdom, because it’s through revelation that we enter the Kingdom. But God speaks to us every day through numbers and sometimes those numbers may repeat themselves through names that we may see on a sign, on a bus or a truck, through a song that might bubble up within us, or through a line that’s coming as someone is speaking the news out. You know, there are so many ways. It might be a movie title or it might be a photograph in front of you, or a magazine that you’re reading, an article might jump out at you. There are so many words that God can speak. It may be a plant in your garden or a bird that comes and lands on that tree, but it does something that’s unusual, and you go, well that was unusual, it got my attention. What could God be speaking in that situation?


SID: But for most of us it, it’s like we’re on AM and the sign God is giving us is on FM, and we just, I think that if we’re just aware of this it’s going to make a profound difference.


ADRIAN: I believe that’s true. I believe that is true.


SID: This is so unusual. It would attract your attention. Tell me about, on the Russian beaches, there were thousands of giant snowballs. Some of them, I mean, they went from the size of a tennis ball to three feet in diameter. It covered 11 miles of beach. Now, there you go. That’s another, this never happened there before. I guess that’s one way God can get our attention when we see something that’s never happened before.


ADRIAN: Exactly. And that’s what drew my attention, Sid. As soon as I saw that at that moment, that is so unusual, that has be the voice of God, and particularly the time when it took place. It was the day after the United States Presidential Election. And so we understand from Scripture, Adam and I, that a ball is a projectile, and as a projectile, it’s something you can throw and you can catch. It’s a picture of words and a snowball can be code words. And so a beach is an interface. We believe that God is speaking through this incidence and saying we need to pray. It’s a warning that cold words don’t take place or cross over between America and Russia.


SID: I have seen the number of, in particular, you talk about seeing the same numbers reoccur. Since I’ve been a believer, I have seen the number “777.” Even on my Israeli passport it says “777.” When we come back, I want you guys to tell me what that means. Be right back.

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sidroth on December 5th, 2017

KYNAN: Hello, hello, hello. I’m Kynan Bridges standing in for Sid Roth and welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. Our guest today hears the most precise secrets of God about himself and others. He has literally equipped thousands to do the same. Are you ready? I’m here with Shawn Bolz. And Shawn, the last time you were here you gave some of the most amazingly accurate words of God. I want us to show a clip of that right now.


[begin video]


SHAWN: I have one more user name. I never get user names, but I ask God for new information that I never get, and he gave me Terry Bishop 911. Is that a user name? Where is he? Terry Bishop, you’re working on the show and we’re getting you. Is this a user name you use?

Terry Bishop: That is my user name, Terry Bishop 911.


SHAWN: That’s amazing.


[end video]


KYNAN: The Son of God has raised you up to really be a bridge for so many of us to help others to developing their gift and to develop their sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. But it wasn’t always that way, was it?


SHAWN: I mean, I loved the prophetic from the time I was little. My parents raised us up in an environment like what’s God showing you, what’s God doing, but I never thought of myself as the teacher of the prophetic or somebody who’s going to help people get words of knowledge and understand this, and get clarity. It’s just something that along the journey I loved the fruit of it so much that I couldn’t help but say you guys got to do this. You guys got to hear God this way.


KYNAN: Wow. So you went from this kind of secure kind of reality just taking the risk, stepping out, being bold. You even gave words in front of 65,000 people at Azusa. Now, tell us about that.


SHAWN: It was just a living room, just a little, you know, God’s living room. You know, it was wild because I’ve done prophetic ministry and worked alone for so long, and I’ve only been on a platform to show people it’s possible. I don’t actually like talking a platform. I love teaching, I love inspiring people, but prophesying publically, it’s part of my behind the scenes life. So to do it in public in front of 65,000 people it was very intimidating. I even tried to get out of it at the beginning.




SHAWN: I was like I don’t need to do this, guys. You’re going to do this.


KYNAN: So you mean to tell me that even today sometimes you still feel that trepidation. You still feel that.


SHAWN: Every time.


KYNAN: Every time.


SHAWN: Every time I take the platform I feel like I don’t want to do this.


KYNAN: So you don’t just have this fearless sort of boldness all the time.


SHAWN: If you watch any videos, because we post videos, sometimes our ministry posts videos because we want to show what a chicken I am and how God can still use me. And so there’s times where I’m going, really, it’s real, like what I’m saying is real. And people are going yeah, and I’m like I’m just discovering the reality as well. I think we have this image that we grow in our confidence and everything else, so why don’t we grow in our confidence when it comes to the supernatural. But the supernatural is dependent on our connection relationship with God.


KYNAN: Wow, that’s so good.


SHAWN: And so you should never feel like I got this. Although we should feel confident, we shouldn’t feel a sense of self-confidence.


KYNAN: Wow. Wow. So you called out people in that large crowd, 65,000 people. I mean, how was that? Did you know you were being accurate? Tell us about how that went.


SHAWN: No. The first couple I called out, it was the first of no names of a couple. It was funny, because their friends afterwards, I mean, they’re life-long friends, we didn’t know their middle names. Their first and middle names, a street she had grown up on, there is all this information about how many kids they have. They had just moved to Oregon and they didn’t tell their family yet, so a lot of their friends and family didn’t know they had moved. So I told their friends on national television they were doing this. This was a God thing. And they were just in so much shock that God knew them and used them as an example to millions of people who were watching, but also the 65,000 live to show them like I’m with you. I the Lord God am ever present, but I’m also manifesting my presence for you.


KYNAN: Wow. Wow. Let me ask the question that all of our viewers want to really know. Can everybody really flow words of knowledge or is it just for the super saints and the specially gift?


SHAWN: I am an example of why anybody can flow words of knowledge. I don’t have a birthmark on anywhere in my body that qualifies me. There’s no sign that I was born under. I think the reality is that First Corinthians 14 says, “Go after love like your life depended on it and eagerly desire prophecy.” And then the First Corinthians 14, it also talks about the process of prophecy and how when someone comes in who doesn’t know the Lord, I think it prophecies to [them when] the secrets of their heart are laid bare. Now these secrets aren’t necessarily things that other people who know them would know, but the fact that God knows them and the fact that the people in the room all of a sudden know them by supernatural revelation makes them say God is real, he loves me, cares about me. So for me, it’s not an issue of can we all get it. You asked if we can all get it, but will we? Will we go after love and prove love by prophecy.


KYNAN: Listen, God wants to show you secrets. The secret of the Lord is with them who fear him. When we come back we’re going to show you, Shawn is going to teach us a little bit more how to tap into the heart of God. We’ll be right back.

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sidroth on November 15th, 2017



DAVID HERNANDEZ: Well I truly do believe that the key to experiencing more of what God has for you is prayer. And I do believe that God is re-digging the wells in the Church and we’re going to move into a time of deeper things. How many of you in this place you say I want God to move in my prayer life?




DAVID: God’s going to touch your life. He really is! And,




DAVID: But I want to talk to you on The Four Realms of Prayer. And this message when I say realms I’m not talking different dimensions and moving to different worlds. I’m talking about four realities of prayer. And when you understand these four realms you understand that categorically speaking ALL prayer will find itself under one of these four. Now there are many different facets of prayer. There’s praying in tongues, there’s praying in your mind, there is praying privately, there is praying corporately but everything, no matter what it is, can fall categorically speaking under these four realms. If you can understand these four as they pertain to all of prayer I believe you can receive breakthrough in your prayer life. I believe you’re going to hear the voice of God more clearly. You know we’ve kind of accepted just in the church world there’s this idea that the voice of God is not to be heard with clarity. And I know we know if I say how many believe you can hear the voice of God I get a resounding amen! Right? But the truth is that most people, most believers, when they talk about the voice of God they talk about it in a way that’s unclear. I’m still trying, I’m still working, I’m still waiting to hear God and we’ve accepted that it’s difficult to hear God. But you can hear the voice of God with such clarity that when He whispers in the Spirit you can hear him! You can hear the voice of God which such confidence that when He speaks everything within you says I know that’s Him! This is God speaking to me and you move on it by faith. And I’m talking about this kind of prayer life that can cultivate the voice of God. So the four different realms of prayer. I’m going to list then I’m going to go through them here. The first realm I’m going to talk about is requesting. This is the prayer request. The second one we’re going to be talking about is reverencing which is worship. And worship is an aspect of prayer because it’s communication with God. The third one is resisting which is spiritual warfare. And the fourth one, it doesn’t sound as mysterious but it is very much as much prayer is and that is reading. You read the Word. It’s prayer. And as you pray this way, as you enter into the deeper realms of the Spirit through prayer what’s going to happen is you’re going to hear the voice of God more clearly. The power of God is going to intensify on your life. Your witness, your evangelism’s going to transform. Why? Because it’s Holy Spirit empowered prayer! When I first began to seek the Lord as some of you may have heard in the interview, I don’t know how many of you watched that episode but if you haven’t check that out with Sid Roth on the It’s Supernatural episode. In that episode I talked about the season of my life that was a very different season for me and it’s a well that I still dig from today. In that season I began to seek the face of God and I’m telling you as an eleven year-old kid who just received Jesus I was passionate. I was fascinated with the person of Jesus. And I said Lord, everything in me has to know the depths and the riches that is Christ. And so I gave my all, my heart, my being to seek His face. And we talked about this experience I had where I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Where I had experienced something that was that something more that many believers look for. But I had made an ultimatum with God so I go in my room. Jesus says in Matthew chapter 6, verse 6 that when you pray you go away quietly. Close the door. Why? Number One: It’s so that there’s no distraction. Number Two: It’s so that God can reward you publicly for what you do privately. There’s something in what’s hidden and what’s exposed and what has power and what doesn’t. And so what God did for me in that season in my life was found in the moment where I said Lord, I’m not leaving this room until you touch me! I feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit when I started talking, how many when I started talking about that I sense His presence here?




DAVID: And I said Lord Jesus. You know why? Because when I talk about it you say I want that and when you say you want that that desire draws Him closer because that desire is a form of worship. And so I was in the room and I shut the door and I said I’m not leaving Jesus until you touch my life, until something happens. And I remember I had my fan in my room was on because it got very warm in that room. My fan was on. My Bible was open. My light was on so I can read the Bible and I had music playing in the background, soft worship music. And so I had set the atmosphere and I was ready to do everything that I knew to do to seek the face of God. So I go in and I start praying and I remember I got going and I was excited. I was filled with zeal and I had made that ultimatum very clear. Lord, I’m not leaving until You touch me. And so I’m praying and I’m praying and I’m praying and one hour goes by and nothing happened. How many of you know when you’re digging a well every shovel full is dirt until you hit water?




DAVID: And so I’m digging and I’m saying Lord, I’m praying. I’m praying. I’m praying. And that first hour was so discouraging to me because often I would do that. I would say Lord, I’m going to pray for one hour. I would pray. I felt like heaven had invaded my life and I would look up and maybe on the clock ten minutes had gone by. And how many of you have experienced that?


AUDIENCE: All of us!


DAVID: It’s because that’s the flesh. It’s what I was doing was in the flesh. I was putting forth my effort. So the second hour goes by. I said okay. I’m going to reach for the more melancholy aspects of my emotion and I’m going to cry. I’m going to weep. I’m going to seek Him. And what we do here you see it’s we try to guilt God into a response.




DAVID: Lord, don’t You hear me? Don’t you see me? Don’t you love me? We say Lord, don’t you love me. Can’t you hear me and we say it because we’re trying to manipulate Him in a way that He can’t be manipulated. He doesn’t respond to that. Do you know when I get a call on my cell phone and the call starts going bad I’ll often tell the person on the other line I’ll say listen, you’re not coming in clear. The call is breaking up. And what do they start doing? Most of the time they start yelling so that I can hear them. I say no, no the problem is not the volume, it’s the connection.



DAVID: When you’re praying we try to exude emotion. We exert our effort with emotion. You’re raising the volume. The volume’s not the issue. It’s the connection. And so that second hour had gone by where I’m praying that way and guess what happened? Nothing! Then I reached for the more aggressive, the more, the more, the more spiritual. I had read books on spiritual warfare. I’m mean I’m telling you if there was an adjective I took that adjective, attached it to a demon and rebuked it!




DAVID: The spirit of this, the spirit of that, the spirit of this goes, the spirit of that goes! And I’m praying against all of the things I could think of praying against. I’m going back to when I was 5. Lord, if there was anything when I was 5 years old blocking me. I’m doing the generational deliverance, all of these different things that I knew to do and I had got aggressive and I got angry and I said I’m not going to be you know subdued. I’m not going to be held back in the name of Jesus! And it’s good to pray like that when it’s spirit-led but I initiated it.




DAVID: So finally that third hour goes by and nothing happened. And now, I’ll be honest with you, I started to regret my ultimatum.




DAVID: The fourth hour comes. And then I got intellectual. I got theological. I start well maybe analyzing and assessing and I applied the frailty of human wisdom. And I said perhaps that will get, I’ll tell you this right now. If it were possible to enter the presence of God by emotion or human effort in that moment I would have entered. But it’s not. And I remember in that moment I looked at the clock and I realized how much time had gone by and I just started to weep. And tears were coming down my face and I said Jesus, I don’t know how to pray. Jesus, I don’t know what to do. See there’s no man or woman on earth no matter how anointed they are who knows their way into the presence of God. Only the Holy Spirit knows the way in.


AUDIENCE: That’s right.


DAVID: And so I said Lord, what do I do? I mean I was broken. All of my, you know why God will wait till all of your effort has been exhausted? You know why He’ll do that? Because often we’ll push, push, push, push for things to happen in our ministry, in our life, in our family, in our business. And we’re pushing for it to happen and it doesn’t happen. It’s because when the answer finally comes, when the miracle finally comes He wants you to know who deserves the glory!


AUDIENCE: Amen! That’s right! That’s right!

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sidroth on November 8th, 2017

RON: Randy, we’ve got it on video. It was because the, it was because the cloud came. And the Word was dropping and saturating and folks were sensing it. You know I go to some conferences that are huge even for young people. But they’re so big, there’s no, they have run this one in, he’s got twenty minutes, they run that one out. We don’t do that. We just start on Thursday and quit sometime on Saturday and some stay over on Sunday.




RON: I came over to the church one Saturday afternoon during Collide last year and there were 800 young people laid out in the quiet anointing of the Holy Ghost.




RON: We have seen more people healed in that atmosphere of young people because they’re not old and jaded like we are. They don’t know it all and seen everything. They really believe God can do something. And folks we’re coming into a season where when we prayer miracles are going to happen and those that have rejected us we’re not going to have to throw a give me to get them. They’re going to come to the doors of the Church and say can somebody tell me how to get saved, healed and delivered? Can somebody help my children?




RON: Well let me wrap this up and give you the, put the cherry on top of this and see if God wants to heal somebody here this afternoon. He’s coming. Hosea chapter 6, another Latter Rain verse. This is what I promised you. Come let us return to the Lord for He has torn but He’ll heal us. He has stricken but He’ll bind us up. After two days He’ll revive us. All right. Latter Rain note Number One: Late 1880’s to Azusa Revival. Everybody say Revival Number One.


AUDIENCE: Revival Number One.


RON: 1948 right on into the charismatic movement. Everybody say revival.


AUDIENCE: Revival.


RON: Number Two.


AUDIENCE: Number Two.


RON: But look at this. After two days He’ll revive us. But on the third day, this is the third Latter Rain movement, He will raise us up that we may live in His sight. There’s something bigger than revival coming!




RON: You’re going to see a day when Islamic Mullahs are, are, are converted standing in their Mosques!


AUDIENCE: Yeah Amen! Amen! Glory!


RON: God is about to step up!




RON: It says in verse 3 at the end of Hosea 6: He will come to us like the rain, like the latter and former rain on the earth. Now what can you do about it? Zechariah 10:1: Ask the Lord for rain in the time of the latter rain. And there’s another prophet that said He’s going to let the early and latter rain happen at the same time. Do you know what that means? It means you’re going to sow and reap [clap] at the same time!




RON: It’s going to be that big! I believe I’ve given you something here today to give you some hope. I believe that we are a third day people. I believe that the student generation rising right now may be the greatest we’ve ever seen! I believe there’s something going on that’s huge and God is going to break the forces of darkness and He’s going to break open the heavens and the Latter Rain is going to begin to fall and it’s not going to be after the Rapture. It’s going to be before the Rapture and we’re going to see harvest, we’re going to see a transfer of wealth, we’re going to see  supernatural provision, we’re going to see the miracles of Pentecost and it won’t be just psychosomatic either. And we’re going to see limbs restored, eyes opened, ears opened.




RON: Hallelujah! This angel told me I’m not going to make fat disappear and I know I’m too big –




RON: – so just leave me alone! You think I’m kidding. I’m not. The Holy Spirit told me to lose some weight and Noble here thinks I’ll be more noble if I’m littler so – .




RON: – anyway, we’re working on that. Yeah, he’s a joy angel. He’s messing with some of you too I know right now.




RON: Cause I [laughing] the joy of the Lord is our –


AUDIENCE: Strength.


RON: And I was so weak. Went through four major surgeries and honest to God I’d have been happy to go to heaven except missing my kids and grandkids and see God in the future and God sent this angel into my bedroom one night. So – I’m not going to cry.




RON: I believe right now would you bow your head and close your eyes with me all over? I’ve asked the Holy Spirit to give instruction here to me right now. First of all the Lord’s told me right where you are if you sense weakness in your body, you sense weakness in your body. It might not be an illness but it’s a weakness and you don’t feel like you’ve had the strength that you need I want you to put your hand up right now. I cancel that assignment of the enemy and what he’s trying to do in your life in the name of Jesus and I declare to you that the Lord is the strength of your life. And God’s about to give you some joy in your life. I release joy and laughter that doeth good like a medicine right now in this place in the name of Jesus! And I declare within the next 24 hours you’re going to, you’re not going to be able to control yourself for the joy and laughter that’s going to be [laughing] released in your life. Now you don’t believe, some of you just let – put your faith to work with mine right now. He said the joy of the Lord. He said a merry heart does good like a medicine. That medicine that I’m administering it. I’m not Dr. Crandall but I’m administering a dose of the Holy Ghost to bring joy into your life! [laughing]

AUDIENCE: Praise God!


RON: [laughing] That’s all right. Now there’s something worse going on here today and I want to deal with that now. yes, I, I really, I really sense – the Bible says He’ll give you a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness. If you’re struggling with depression, depression. That’s heaviness in the Bible. That’s not God’s glory. That’s not, that’s not a burden of the Lord. That’s the enemy because He said My yoke is easy, My burden is light. If you’re struggling with depression I want you to stand up. You’re not going to have to come up here but I want you to stand up wherever you are. Just remain standing. Nobody look around. This is not anybody’s business but God and me right now. This is a demonic spirit. You’re not possessed but you’re oppressed. No demon can possess a Christian but they can harass, suppress, depress and compress. And I have authority, I have apostolic authority to come into agreement with you to get rid of this if you’ll let me. But you got to trust me enough to pray this prayer out loud with me when I pray it. Will you do it? Say Dear Lord Jesus.


AUDIENCE: Dear Lord Jesus.


RON: I want to confess.


AUDIENCE: I want to confess.


RON: I have allowed the enemy.


AUDIENCE: I have allowed the enemy.


RON:  To traffic in my life.


AUDIENCE: To traffic in my life.


RON: And in my thoughts.


AUDIENCE: And in my thoughts.


RON: I’m tired of it.


AUDIENCE: I’m tired of it.


RON:  I don’t want to be depressed any longer.


AUDIENCE: I don’t want to be depressed any longer.


RON: I’m going to stop right here for just a minute. The Lord’s revealed to me that there’s some of you who have been left by a man or a woman. You have been hurt deeply and you’ve not forgiven them. And some of you are saying they made me depressed. It’s their fault. If somebody hurt you and that’s created this in your life or even if you’re angry at God because you’ve lost a loved one say right now Lord, I forgive. Say it out.


AUDIENCE: Lord, I forgive.


RON: Those who hurt me.


AUDIENCE: Those who hurt me.


RON: I just saw chains fall off some of you. Some of you will feel a lightness coming off your chest. There a heaviness leaving your chest right now in the name of Jesus. Now say Lord, forgive me.


AUDIENCE: Lord, forgive me.


RON: Put me under the blood.


AUDIENCE: Put me under the blood.


RON: Now!




RON: I want you to release authority. Say I release authority.

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sidroth on November 1st, 2017

SHAWN: And the Old Testament it was about you know all information. If you could get your information right that?s how God loved the people but in the New Testament it?s about we?re each justified by our own relationship and to hearing God. So we bring each other encouragement, comfort, edification. So if we miss it we just take responsibility and say I?m sorry that I missed that detail and we move on. We don?t have to stop our ministry. We don?t have to, we may decrease in our authority if we continually miss in certain areas. We need to like reevaluate how we?re getting those words but that?s part of learning how to be accountable to growth but you are not disqualified because you missed details. As a matter of fact before I go back into the Bill Johnson Australia story I was at Starbucks one day and I ran after this guy and I said hey, is there a Steven, like a brother or a cousin or something? He goes, no! and I thought ah-ha-ha. Okay. Bye.




SHAWN: And he goes why did you ask me that? And he laughed. And I said I?m a Christian. I?m learning how to hear from God. This is just a few years ago. And he laughs and he goes I?ve waited my whole life to talk to somebody who believes God?s really going to talk to them. Do you have time to sit down with me? Producer in Hollywood. We sit down at Starbucks for 45 minutes. He gives his life to Jesus through a wrong word of knowledge!




SHAWN: See if it?s about love, love never fails! So if you take responsibility, oh like I?m just trying something. I?m sorry. I?m not giving and a lot of people criticize me because I?m not giving demonstrative words most of the time. I?m not saying ?God told me? unless I know! There?s a certain level where I know God has told me but if I?m just trying it by the measure of my faith I?m saying does this make sense to you? Is there anybody with this? Because I?m just trying to walk in faith. And some people say that?s ?cold reading? or that?s whatever. But no. Jesus would say ?hey is that Zacchaeus in the tree?? And He just called out and he came. And these kinds of stories are the stories we need to focus on in the scripture. Back to Bill Johnson. So I gave five words in a row or four words in a row but there?s five of them. I didn?t give the fifth one I was so nervous and I just said like okay, bye everybody.




SHAWN: The next night God blew it out of the park. He awed me. He awed them. It was beautiful but not with those words. So I just I had this list of notes in my Bible, I mean in my I-Pad which is also my Bible. I had a list of notes and a year later, you guys, I was in Las Vegas Nevada and my daughter had been really sick with RSV which is very serious but she was getting better that day. And so I actually went to Las Vegas even though she was sick, she was getting better and my wife, it was in my wife?s home church she said you have to go to Las Vegas because this is our home church and Harper?s better now and you need to go. But I was so tired from being out with the family, just so worried about RSV so serious and we were praying and so I had been out for two days. It was like I don?t know if I can give them anything. I have nothing! So we get in the car and drive their cause we missed our flight so we get in the car and we drive there. I drove with a new believer who wanted to tell me everything about his whole life which is really fun but I was exhausted by the time I got there. And so we get to the meeting and [laughing] and I get there. We got there late so we got there two-thirds of the way through worship, almost at the end of worship. And I think God, I don?t know what to do. They?ve already heard my life message. I go to the regular one. They?ve already heard everything I have to preach. I have nothing new because I had no time because of Harper?s being sick for a couple of weeks. I don?t know what to do here God and I hear the Holy Spirit deep inside of me. He says pull out that list from Australia. And I go, no!




SHAWN: And not only did I think you know I didn?t even think I had the list from Australia it was like I think I keep my notes but I?m not sure. This was the first time I knew that your notes stay in your system. I was like this is awesome. I have all my notes. So I look and I pull out the five, the five words for different people and I get up after worship and I go you guys, I have to try something cause I have nothing for you. I?m so sorry. My daughter was sick and I?ve had no time to prepare. But Jesus has a lot for you. And I really love you and I came out of love you so I know He?s going to do something but it?s not through a teaching this time. And I said I?m just going to ask. Is there a Shannon and I forget his wife?s name but this couple, is there this couple are you here? And this couple stands up from the front row over here and they say that?s our names. And I said did you just have a grandson? And they said yeah, two weeks ago. And I said is his name ?Grayson?? And they?re like ?YES!? And I?m like we?re all freaking out because I?m like do you realize? And I tell them the whole thing about a year ago I got this. I knew about your grandson a year ago but not really. But God did!


SHAWN: And He knew Him by name a year ago!





SHAWN: Now picture that! The God of all the universe knew us from the beginning! And this is a proof. That a year before, He wasn?t even conceived yet. His parents hadn?t picked his name till about a month before the meeting, two weeks before he was born or whatever, and yet I had his name on my I-Pad for over a year!


SHAWN: Now every other skill set you try you give yourself a lot of time. If you?re going to draw the first couple of times it may be stick figures! But wait! Once you start to school yourself in it or you go to classes eventually you start to draw something that has a real form and substance. Words of knowledge you?re going to make a lot of mistakes. It?s going to feel like a guessing game sometimes. That?s why you have to use your friends and like unsaved people so you don?t get in trouble.




SHAWN: Cause the church sometimes you know gets really mad about you for trying the prophetic but run after trying and it?s trial and error. Because when you get it right you?re going to go ?Oh!? And in your spirit like all of a sudden you?re praying for somebody like I just sense your father is sick. Can I pray for him? And they?re like yes and you?re – I know how to feel that now! So when I?m around somebody else I know what?s authentic but sometimes it feels like guessing when you?re trying cause you?re just, you?re revving up your engines. You?re trying to figure it out and the church hasn?t allowed us to have a love, you know, judgment-free zone in this area! And we need to have a ?judgment-free zone? so we can take risks! And it?s trial and error. So try to and use lesser language cause if you start out strong or if you?re in a camp that says, “The Lord has told me” and it?s wrong. The Lord has told me March 8th and like and nothing, Oh, like sorry. You know that?s really high stakes. So lower the stakes and say hey, I?m a Christian. I?m getting a spiritual sense from God from His heart that maybe this information means something to you. So lower the stakes. If you don?t feel like God told you don?t say God told me. Lower the stakes and just say I have a spiritual impression inside my heart for you or that may be for you. Can I share it with you? And I?m telling you people cannot wait to hear from you when you get a spiritual impression so just try out something and give yourself lots of grace. So people come to me after five times of trying and say ?it doesn?t work!? And I?m like I tried hundreds of times before I built my own confidence in this. So if you?re going to give up after five times you?re done. Okay, if you?re going to give up after five times it?s like I want to be a pianist. How come I can?t be a pianist? I played six times?



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