sidroth on July 26th, 2022

SID: What does that mean? How do you experience? CANDICE: Yeah. Well listen, I’m excited because the studio audience and the people watching online are going to get a chance to experience today. SID: It sounds good to me. CANDICE: Amen. So the Lord asked me to call forth anyone who needed healing. So I […]

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sidroth on July 16th, 2022

SID: Now my guest, Roland Worton was always aware of the supernatural but not knowing Jesus it seemed so dark, even fearful. He wanted to be a professional musician but at 17, after a failed recording contract he decides, “I’ll go to college.” And the supernatural became natural. SID: So Roland, let me take you […]

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sidroth on July 6th, 2022

SID: Randy Kay trained employees in Fortune 500 corporations, founded four companies, authored seven books. Randy, it’s hard to believe, having come to know you, that you were a really fervent agnostic at some time. But at 25, everything changed. What happened? RANDY: Absolutely. I had shouted out at a window, “God, if you are […]

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sidroth on June 25th, 2022

SID: I’m here with Max Davis. And for those that are not familiar with Max, he is a best-selling author. He’s had 39 books published. He’s got two degrees. When you were a young kid, did you always want to be a journalist? MAX: No. Actually, I had a 1.5 GPA going into my senior […]

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sidroth on June 15th, 2022

SID: He wants to become your all in all. He wants to give you a purpose, I jump in your step. He wants you to be his child and know it, and demonstrate his kingdom. Repeat this prayer out loud with me right now. Dear God. Audience: Dear God. KYNAN: I’ve made many mistakes. Audience: […]

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sidroth on June 5th, 2022

DIANE: Do y’all believe watching right now? Because the glory of the Lord is in this place, and it is getting thicker. [crosstalk] SID: Are you saying that, or do you actually see it? DIANE: I see it. I see it, and some of y’all can look right, and I can see it. Some of […]

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sidroth on May 25th, 2022

SID: And the thing that so excites me about this glory is things are instant. They don’t take 50 years of prayer and fasting to come to pass. And most people stop before they get the victory. It’s instant. Tell me a few instant miracles that people have reported. DAVID: I’ll tell you a really […]

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sidroth on May 15th, 2022

PAT: Tell us! SANDRA: I was on the plane. My brother called and said my mom was in a coma and I knew that. I was working up in Baltimore and he said she probably will not recognize you. I got on the plane to come home, and on the plane, I heard what I […]

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sidroth on May 5th, 2022

SANDRA: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much! You all are kind! Thank you! Thank you! I’m going to take something very simple based on the other things that you’ve been hearing pertaining to healing and try to – a story that you have heard, Lord knows probably more than any other […]

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sidroth on April 25th, 2022

BRENDA: And I know this to be fact, that we are going to see some mighty conversions. We are going to see people that breathed out threatening’s against God’s people, people that breathed out threatening’s against your family, your children, your business, come on, somebody, some, the people that pushed against you. We are going […]

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