DAVID:    Okay. This is Jesus talking. I tell you the truth. Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood you cannot have eternal life within you. But anyone who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life and I will raise the person at the last day. What’s He talking about in the last day? He’s talking about the resurrection. Before that He says I’m the bread that comes down. What is that? That’s the incarnation. When He comes down to earth that is the incarnation. Say it with me the incarnation.

AUDIENCE: Incarnation.

DAVID: When the flesh and blood are mentioned that is His crucifixion. So He’s already painting a picture here. He’s talking about a journey and we go on a similar journey. I won’t have time to go into that. But He goes from incarnation to crucifixion. The incarnation is when the Holy Spirit took the unknowable God, as far as can be comprehended by the human mind, when He took the limitless God, when He took the eternal God, the   incomprehensible God and made Him a man, and Jesus was everything of God in the flesh. I can’t even comprehend that but when you see Jesus you see the Father. Incarnation: God becoming man. Spirit becoming flesh. Carnal. Meat. Carnivore. Same thing. Incarnation. Incarnation. Crucifixion. Then He says: I live because of the living Father who sent Me. In the same way, anyone who feeds on Me will live because of Me. What’s He talking about there? That’s the very next breath. He’s talking about His resurrection. So Incarnation. Crucifixion. Resurrection. Now watch this. He goes straight into the other one. And Jesus was aware that His disciples were complaining. They’re like what is He talking about cause none of this has happened yet. So He says does this offend you? Then what will you say or think if you see the Son of Man ascend to heaven again? Are you seeing it? Incarnation. Crucifixion. Resurrection. Ascension. Now this is what, this is where it really takes a strange turn. So He’s talking about this process. Okay? And I’m reading this and going okay, this is good. And then He makes a sudden switch. Just like that! And He says: The Spirit alone gives life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words, the very words, I have spoken to you are spirit and life.  Okay, there’s a lot here. Incarnation. Crucifixion. Resurrection. Ascension. What do you think this is talking about? You know Jesus said I can’t send the Holy Spirit until I go to my Father. Now why is that? I wondered that. Why is it Lord You had to go up before He could come down? And the Holy Spirit by the way is literally down to earth which is why He can work with us so well. I said Lord, why is that? Well, look at my I-Pad. I’ve got a lot of sermons on here. But if I were to ever misplace my I-Pad, my sermons, my pictures, my audio they’d all be gone! But there’s something amazing about my I-Pad. There’s something amazing about your phone. That the information you have gets stored in what we call a cloud. Jesus ascended on? A cloud.

AUDIENCE: A cloud.

DAVID: The Word becomes flesh. Crucified. Resurrection. Ascension. Translation. Now the Lord is Spirit. Why does it say now? Because then it wasn’t. But now the Lord is Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. Adam was one thing but Christ, the scripture says, became a life-giving spirit. This is His translation. What am I saying to you? I’m saying just as my information, because you know you think about Jesus and all He had to touch and all He had to do. Think just for an example when Jairus’s daughter was dying and they come for the Master and He goes to Jairus and on His way there this woman with the issue of blood stops Him in the middle of the tracks. I’ll tell you if I was Jairus I’d be angry and furious with this woman who stopped Jesus! He’s on His way to rescue my daughter and you stop Him? Can’t– you waited 12 years, can’t you wait a little longer?


DAVID: That’s what I would have thought. Jesus was somewhat limited in a physical body. But when He ascended He became the life-giving spirit. The Holy Spirit is Jesus on the cloud! How then does Christ become one with you? The very words I speak are spirit and life. When you read the Word the Holy Spirit takes from the cloud a download and puts it in you!


DAVID: When you read the Word Christ becomes incarnate in you! See Christians say I don’t believe in reincarnation! Yes, you do. Christ is re-incarnated in you!


DAVID: So then prayer is not an upload. It’s a download. You are Adam 2.0. You got a software upgrade!


DAVID: And we experience that download when we read the Word! Did that bless you?


DAVID: Okay!

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