LARRY: Welcome back to Something More. I’ve got Judy Franklin with me, and we’re talking about how you can [music ends] actually experience and encounter God – specifically God’s invitation for you – to know, and experience, and engage Him in the Heavenly realms. You know, Judy just shared a powerful story – her testimony – of how God began a process in her life of actually taking her in to the Heavenly realms where she would experience God, and Jesus. And this wouldn’t just be concept stuff; this wouldn’t just be in her imagination. I mean uh Judy, how did that all play out? Like how did you actually experience God, in this realm? Was it a physical experience? Well, I mean could you explain the nature of what it was like?


JUDY: I’ve been trying to explain it for 19 years now.


LARRY: Well we’re going to figure it out today.


JUDY: (laughs) Yes!


LARRY: No; nah. (laughs)


JUDY: (laughs) Um, you know, you have a spirit; everybody has a spirit; and I found the Scripture, in Ephesians, where Paul

is saying, “I pray that the eyes of your heart —”




JUDY: “[would] be enlightened”, and I thought, “eyes of your heart”, what is that? So I did a study on it, and the “heart” actually means your spirit!




JUDY: “I pray that the eyes of your [spirit would] be enlightened….” So that – well my spirit has eyes!




JUDY: And then I thought about when Jesus was always saying, “He who has ears … let him hear.” I know there’s deaf people, but not that many that He would say it as often as He did. I realized what He was doing was talking about our spiritual ears, —




JUDY: and how we can hear from Him! And then I know that when you speak in tongues, that you’re speaking a spiritual language.


LARRY: Um hm.


JUDY: And in

1 Corinthians, it says the “… mind is unfruitful”, because the spirit is speaking.


LARRY: As we – as we close out this segment, why do you – would you tell the people why it’s

so important to have an experiential relationship with God; where it’s not just information, but it’s a relationship. And there – and it’s creating that hunger, “I want to experience God”.


JUDY: Well the way the Father did it with me is He – I was sitting, minding my own business, and He said, “Ronald Reagan.”


LARRY: (laughs)


JUDY: And he

was our President at that time, —


LARRY: Yeah.


JUDY: and I just said, “Yeah, he’s our President.”


LARRY: (laughs)


JUDY: And then He said um, “You can read about Ronald Reagan everyday”; I said, “Yes, in books and newspapers”. He said, “You can hear about him every day”; I said, “Yeah, television news, and radio”. And – and He said, “You’re affected by what he does”;

I said, “Oh yeah. He signs bills and laws into our – life”. And then He said, “How well do you know him?”




JUDY: “I don’t know.”


LARRY: Yeah.


JUDY: He says, “You can read about Me every day.”




JUDY: I said, “Oh yeah; the Bible, and books, and -“; He says, “You can hear about Me every day”; I said “Yeah; CDs, tapes, you know, television”. And He said, “You’re affected by what I do”; I said, “Oh, yes!” He said, “How well do you know Me?”




JUDY: I said, “I don’t.”




JUDY: “I know what the Word says about You”, —


LARRY: Yeah.


JUDY: “but I don’t know You.”


LARRY: Yeah.


JUDY: And from that time on, I wanted to know Who He was.


LARRY: Yeah.


JUDY: And there’s a way to know Who He is! There’s a way in this realm that He takes you into, that you can go face-to-face with Him! You know the Word says if you see God you’ll die.


LARRY: Yeah.


JUDY: Absolutely the truth; —




JUDY: I almost did. But in the spiritual, you can see!


LARRY: Yeah.


JUDY: And I – you can be face-to-face with Him; you can see the face of God. You can – every time you look at Him, or His Son, or the Holy Spirit, all you see is love, —




JUDY: because that’s Who He is. He doesn’t have love; He is love!




JUDY: And that changes lives, when you know how much He loves you and accepts you! You become bolder, because you know He loves you!


LARRY: Yeah.


JUDY: It changes lives, to know His love!


LARRY: Judy, I feel – and again, I – I feel like the Holy Spirit’s really moving on this right now. And again, for those of you who are watching, what – well – when the Lord really asked Judy this question, “How well do you know me?”, what I love about her response is it was not a response of, “Oh, you know God, I’m so sorry”, feeling uh shame, or guilt; “Oh God, I don’t know You”; “Uh, I don’t know You as well as I want to”. And maybe there’s some of you who are watching where you’ve made a decision for Jesus; you’ve – you’ve said “Yes”, you’ve said, “Jesus, forgive me of my sin, be my Lord, my Savior”; but in your heart right now, even as Judy is speaking, and you’re listening to how she’s encounter God, and experienced God, there’s this hunger in your heart saying, “God, I – I – I really want to know You more; there must be more”. That’s the whole point of this – this show, is we want to expose you to the “more” of God. I’ve got good news: I – I promise you, again, there’s no shame, there’s no guilt; there’s no, “Well you don’t know God as well as you should”; there’s only this call from Heaven, that’s I believe extending out to you right now, saying, “Come up here”; there – “there is more”. And I’m not going to just bait you along and say, “There’s more of Me to experience, but you can’t have that while you’re living on Earth”; I can tell you, as a fact, that there’s more of God for you to experience here and now on Earth. And I believe the very reason that you’re hungry for more, is God birthed that hunger in you! Judy, would you mind just s- – speaking to the audience right now? And would you pray, as we get ready for our next segment where we’re going to actually take people into this process – into this process of what a Heavenly encounter looked like. Would you just pray for them, as they’re crying out, saying, “God, I want to know You more”?


JUDY: Yes! [music] Father, I pray right now, for all the people that are listening to this. That You so make this realm real to them; —




JUDY: that this is what they’ll want to go after. Father, I pray anything that would stop them, that You would point it out to them, because You want to see them more than they want to see You, because You love so perfectly. You love Your children so much, and You’re calling to all of them, “Come up here”. So we believe You to do this right now, in Jesus’ name, amen.


LARRY: Amen, and amen. We’ll be right back, and we’re going to actually tell you how you can engage God in this experiential realm, where you can actually “Come up here” [music ends], and experience Him [music] at a whole new level.


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