SID: Eddie, so many people are watching right now and the question they have on their heart is how do I have, isn’t that what you’re thinking, how do I have a Jesus encounter?


EDDIE: Well first of all, for some, a Jesus encounter, for many of us really, a Jesus encounter is something that we don’t necessarily plan. He comes and he visits, and he does something in us. But I believe that how you continue to have them is through a seeking heart. He says, “If you draw nigh to me I will draw nigh to you.” And I believe that what ends up happening, especially for believers, is that we have this moment with God and then we don’t allow the moment to provoke a lifestyle of pursuit. And I believe that we have to silence all the voices that aren’t from the Lord, everything that is being spoken into your life through music, through media, whatever. Sometimes when you just shut everything down and silence everything and begin to meditate on him, and become fascinated with him again, the encouragement here is to do your first works over again. If you can remember that day when you had such a burning heart for God that nothing else mattered but being in his presence, you need to get back that. Because I don’t care who you are, you will never get above that.


SID: If someone can have an understanding of true worship they can have a Jesus encounter and that’s the only real fix there is in life.


EDDIE: Nothing else satisfies. Nothing else can, you know, it’s interesting when you look at the story of the prodigal in the pig pen. That he was going to silence the growl of his hunger with stuff that could never satisfy, and would ultimately destroy him. That he came to himself and said, “In my father’s house, he’s got servants that live better than this.” So he realized that the place that will ultimately satisfy is in the place of his father. And I believe that for those who are watching this, you need to know that I don’t care what you turn to, I don’t care if it seems to be good, I don’t care if it seems to be a legitimate thing that’s okay to do, it was never meant to satisfy the eternal longing of the heart. The only one who can do that is Jesus. And when you live in that place, I’m telling you, there’s nothing else like it. There’s nothing more fulfilling than to know that Jesus Christ is the ultimate satisfier of your soul. I just encourage this. Take all the restrictions and all of the boundaries off and live life with Christ. Live life with him. Yes, take some time and be intimate and get by yourself, but then don’t leave that place and then act as if, okay, now I did my hour, now it’s me. No, it’s Jesus 24/7. It is Jesus consistently that he guides you, he directs you, he’s speaking into your life. He’s letting you know, watch for that, I’m proud of you for doing that, that’s awesome. Be cautious of that. And allowing that voice, that presence of Jesus to be what you live in every day. This is to me is what Enoch did. This is what Obed-Edom did and their lives were so enriched because they lived daily in the presence of the Lord.


SID: You know, all things are possible. Eddie, if you would go to your piano, all things are possible in the presence of God. And when you experience the presence, there’s fullness of joy.


EDDIE: Amen.


SID: Now you can’t have fullness of joy and problems at the same time. There’s no room for problems.


Eddie James [music, singing]: Hear the cry of the broken people (come, Yeshua, come). In need of revelation and truth (come, Yeshua, come). You’re our High Priest and the lamb slained (come, Yeshua, come). Salvation is only found in You (come, Yeshua, come). (come) Come in glory and power (come). Your people need You this hour. (come) All that You would render Heavens and manifest Your presence (come) Bring peace to Israel. (come) From the rise that moved the veil. (come) Lord, the spirit and the pride say come.

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