
SID: You know what I think is so amazing, you talk about Peter’s shadow. I believe that when you pray for people the shadow or the Glory of God falls on them. And the same thing that people were healed under Peter’s shadow, tell me about what you see in Peter’s shadow.

DAVID: Well what I saw when I was reading that scripture about Peter’s shadow is I noticed that the Bible doesn’t actually say that the people were healed because of Peter’s shadow. The Bible says that, “People brought their sick that his shadow might fall upon them.” In other words, the people had it in their minds that if his shadow can just touch them they could be healed. And I thought, what would give rise to such a belief, to such an odd belief that a shadow could heal someone. Well it wasn’t that Peter’s shadow was healing anyone. It’s that the healing presence of Jesus was so heavy upon his life that everywhere he walked miracles happened by him just being there. And I believe believers can step into that. That was one of the things I prayed for about the gift of healing was that gift. But then I realized that there’s the gift that God places on certain individuals, as we talk about in First Corinthians 12. But then, according to Mark 16, every believer is to flow in this operation and every believer is to walk in the healing presence of Jesus. And when the healing presence of Jesus comes on our life you’re going to see miracles and there’s not going to be really so much effort that you have to put into it. You just have to believe.

SID: I’m going to start right now. God has told me several times there are people with pain in your neck. If you move your head if you have pain, you’ll see that that pain is gone and backs are being healed right now. Anything wrong with your back, I would like you to pray as the Holy Spirit directs right now.

DAVID: So I want to pray if you’re believing for a miracle, I believe that the Holy Spirit could make the Jesus the healer more real than anything you’ve ever experienced, and that’s really the key. When the Holy Spirit takes a revelation from the Word and causes it to become something that becomes a reality for you, everything changes. He’s going to cause Jesus to become so real to you right now, right where you’re watching this, wherever you’re watching this, your whole atmosphere is about to shift. And when Jesus becomes more real than your sickness, you’re going to notice that your sickness goes. So let’s believe God for, first of all, the presence.

SID: Now that’s a very different way of praying, I want to tell you, but I love it. Go ahead.

DAVID: I’m going to pray right now that the healing presence of Jesus would fill that room where you are. So precious Lord, we know you are faithful to your Word and we know that it is by the Holy Spirit that you establish your dominion. So in the name, there is somebody watching me right now, there is a skin disorder that has just been healed. You noticed there’s been a skin disorder all up your left arm like a rash of some sort. If you’ll look now you’re going to notice that the rash or psoriasis is completely gone in Jesus’ name. Lord, we thank you for that. Jesus, we give you the Glory. Come on, let’s believe and pray right now in Jesus’ name. Father, I thank you for your Holy Spirit’s presence now flowing. Lord, I rebuke sickness right now in Jesus’ name. I rebuke heart disease in Jesus’ name. Lord, we come against arthritis in Jesus’ name. I rebuke cancer right now in the name of the Living God. In the name of Jesus we come against and we break the back of the enemy right now and we destroy the works of the devil. And Father, I pray that that atmosphere of faith would be electrified right where they are in Jesus’ name. Lord, let your presence become so intense, so real that they not only get a sense of you, but that it be done in their body. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

SID: Amen. I pray that you cultivate friendship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit’s purpose is to make Jesus so real, as David prayed that the reality of Jesus is stronger than any problem in your life. I pray in Jesus’ name you become a friend of the Holy Spirit.

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