
SID: So God tells James, who is dying from lymphoma, cancer, that he’s going to have a surprise. He tells him the month. A pastor shows up. His name, his last name just happens to be Pastor Surprise, and Pastor Surprise prays for him, and fire goes all over his body. And then Jesus starts teaching him about healing. Tell me what Jesus taught you.

JAMES: Sid, It was so amazing. I never heard anything like this before. And obviously, I love the Bible and church history, and everything. But what he said to me was, the man of fire himself, Jesus, like Revelation, Chapter 1 says, “With every wound I received, I obtained a special level of healing for my people.” Now while I explain this, I believe that faith is going to light up in the people’s hearts right now, as I just explain this. And as I speak this out, a special level of healing will come your way right now. And he took me to his wounds, and just very quickly, he took me to his back and the 39 stripes. And within each of those places where the back of Yeshua Jesus was laid open, I saw names of sicknesses and diseases. I saw leukemia. I saw paralysis. I saw just different names, scoliosis. I saw names written in every one of the stripes of Jesus. He takes me to the crown of thrones and he says, “When the crown of thorns was pierced upon my head,” he said, “I obtained healing for every mental disease known to mankind.” He took me to his feet where they were pierced through and he said, “I obtained healing for paralysis.” He took me to his hands and said something very distinct, and he said, “Did you know that most diseases are transferred by touch.” And he said, “And I obtained healing when I was nailed, pierced through in my hands. I obtained a special level of healing for every contagious disease.” And right now, I believe the Holy Spirit wants to touch some of you right now. Maybe you’ve gotten just some kind of sickness. Maybe you’re like me with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. You have authority to give away what Jesus has given to you. And right now I just speak to leukemia, I speak to blood disorders right now. In fact, I speak to someone who’s on kidney dialysis and God has another way, and He is going to bring purification to your blood and to your kidneys. And God, Jesus even was pierced through. And I want to say to you, he has healing for every heart. And someone with like a hole in their heart and someone with a heart murmur, the Lord Himself is coming by to visit your house and healing is coming to your house today.

SID: One of the things that you said to me that is so important. It’s one thing to understand this revelation, which Jesus taught, like the 39 stripes. Explain that again to me.

JAMES: Yeah well, you know, Jesus, his whole back was laid open and it says, “By his stripes we are healed.” So he took me, turned to the side and he revealed his back to me, and I saw that it had been laid open. And within every one of these wounds, there was a name that was written of a disease or a sickness. Because for every wound Jesus received, he obtained a special level of healing for his people.

SID: Now you told me that you need that revelation, which we understand. And I said, now how do you get that revelation to become fact, and of course, there’s faith involved. But you talked to me about a principle God has taught you called decree. Explain what that is.

JAMES: You know, in the Book of Job, it says, “You shall decree a thing and it will be established. And out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” And the Book of James says, that, “Our soul is saved by the ingrafting of the Word of God.” So we’ve got to store up the Word of God, the Bible, store up the Word of God in our hearts, and then we have got to proclaim the salvation of God. So we proclaim: “My house shall be saved. My whole house shall be saved.” We proclaim: “By his stripes I am healed.” I didn’t just have an experience. I didn’t only have an encounter. I then had to learn to work the miracle. It’s called, the workings of miracles. So God does His part and then we cooperate and we do our part. And I had to decree over my body, I had to speak over my organs, and I had to speak life. I had to learn to prophecy life, declare life over the very organs of my own physical body.

SID: I tell you what, we can talk on this forever. But I want to find out about that nine weeks of angelic visitations that came to your home. Tell me a little about it.

JAMES: Well it happened on the Day of Atonement. I had gone to sleep. My wife was asleep. I taught at a training center in the Kansas City area. And it was the Day of Atonement, the most holy day in the Jewish calendar, and we’re asleep. And a lightning bolt crashes in the dark, and I wake up at 11:59 at night, and the light from the lightning bolt comes into the bedroom, and now a man, an angel is standing at the end of my bed. I’m like awakened. My wife is still asleep. I’m awake. He looks at me for one straight minute. The clock turns to 12:00, and he says to me, would you like to know what he said?

SID: I’m on the edge of my seat. How about you? I would.

JAMES: And he speaks to me, this angel did, and he says, “Watch your wife. I’m about to speak to her.” And this opened the door to nine straight weeks of angelic visitations. It would go from midnight to 5 a.m. It amazing, supernatural encounters of a heavenly God.

SID: I tell you what. When we come back, I want to find out one of these amazing experiences from James. Be right back.

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