Sid: Okay, help me to understand, you’re in the hospital, at least it’s the Holy Spirit Hospital for six months in the cancer ward.  What’s that like you hear people in pain and agony.

Dave: Oh yes, you don’t go to the hospital to sleep.  There was noise constantly.

Sid: I know I have been in the hospital.  That is the worse place for someone sick.

Dave: Yeah, there was constant noise.  I would hear people crying out in pain at night.  Depending what type of cancer they were battling I was in the cancer unit.

Sid: By the way, why did they give you chemo if you had a death sentence?

Dave: Well, they wanted to give it every shot they could but there was no guarantee that it would work.  I had a very aggressive chemo treatment.  I had seven days. I had cancer so they fight fire with fire.  They came at it with constant chemo 24 seven for seven days.

Sid: Did your hair fall out?

Dave: Pretty soon.  I woke up one morning and thought a dog had been sleeping on the pillow and realized that that was part of me.  So it wasn’t long till I lost, not only all the hair on my head but, my eyelashes, eye brows. Didn’t have to shave, looked like Elmer Fudd.  I Didn’t have to do anything.

Sid: I love what God showed you about losing your hair.

Dave: Well, he did.  We had people in the church that were praying “Lord don’t let a hair of his head be harmed” and they were quite disappointed when they found out that my hair had fallen out.  But I felt like the Lord said, I want you to claim a hundred souls for every hair that left my head.  So I shared that with the church on a video, one of the guys brought a video camera into the room and taped me.  While I was talking to him that hit me and I pointed to my bald head and said do not be discouraged because these hairs fell out.  They are coming back but, were getting 100 souls for every hair that’s fell out.  So that continues to be a battle cry in our church.

Dave: Now when you heard people in the cancer ward crying out with pain and agony, there was even one man you talked about that was cursing.  Tell me about him.

Dave: He was pretty miserable and he would curse at his wife, curse at the nurses. And one morning I was sitting in the visit room.  They would let us out of our rooms when visitors weren’t there and we could take a walk to the sun room, the visiting room.  And I would sit in there with my Bible and read in the morning and this guy came in and he walked over to me and he was pretty surly he looked at my Bible and he said, “So you believe that thing?”  And I said I trust the one who wrote it and he said, “Well read me something.”  I happened to be in Isaiah and I read a portion of Isaiah to him and I looked up and the man was crying.  And I said, He can do this, He can do what He says here.  He can heal you.  He carried, He carried your sicknesses.  Can I pray for you?  I prayed for him and I will tell you he was a very caustic man but, I prayed for him and we will see if that works.  He didn’t even have any strong expression of faith but, he walked out of the room and within about a week there was a knock at my door and there he stood in his street clothes and his wife and he said well your prayers worked preacher.  I have no more cancer.

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