SID:  Hello, Sid Roth you investigative reporter to the Supernatural here with Bill Johnson. Bill, can anyone move in the power that you move in?

BILL:  Absolutely, absolutely. It was meant for every believer

SID:  And one of the things that intrigues me is you have a school, you have put on seminars, and the people get activated almost immediately. Pull one person out – tell me about them.

BILL:  In our school, it’s a school that trains people in the supernatural, and we also have our conferences throughout the year; youth conferences; and we take the youth, we train them, and then we send them out into the streets with someone from our school. So one particular instance, a young lady from the Nashville area took three, I believe it was three young people to our mall; and taught them how to find people who needed a miracle. And we just tell them if they have crutches or a cane or whatever, then you ask if you can pray. So, there was a young girl there about nine years old that had crutches. They asked the mother can we pray for your daughter and she said sure. Well the girl was immediately healed. And the mother was so moved she then turned. She said will you pray for my husband, pointing to the man standing next to her, and then she said my daughter has never heard her father speak. Come to find out he was deaf, he was dumb, he was mute – he was unable to speak.

SID:  Wait a second these are just students – this is heavy weight stuff.

BILL:  Yes, he lets people break in at the top (laughs), and they began to pray for him and the first thing that happen was his ears started to open up and the young lady from our school looked at him and says you are going to speak and began to pray for him. God loosed his tongue and you can imagine the tremendous joy that hit that family that day.

SID:  Tell me another one, this is so good.

BILL:  We have a lot of miracles that take place in public places; a lot of things like deafness that will get healed.

SID:  Now you think in terms like going to a Benny Hinn meeting, going to a church, but do you see as many as happen inside as are happening outside?

BILL:  Well, because of the amount of people that are in the church, we now see, that are obeying God and taking risks, we now see more miracles outside of church than inside of church, but they continue regularly.

SID:  You I think that there supposed to be outside the four walls.

BILL:  Absolutely, that’s what we work for is we content to bring it in everyday life.

SID:  And, see what I’m hearing you say, what gets me so excited is when you do a miracle in a public place, then all these non-believers are looking at the miracle and you have grabbed their attention to proclaim who caused the miracle. I mean it’s a no brainier. That’s the way it’s supposed to be, but we substituted a cerebral type of presentation rather than a power presentation.

BILL:  One of our young men felt the presence of God come on him in a grocery store; he found someone to pray for; the man was instantly healed. He had three back surgeries, in tremendous pain, and he took the man into the parking lot, put his arm around him and started to yell in the parking lot: this man has just been healed by the Lord Jesus Christ, and two people came to that event in the parking lot and received Christ.

SID:  Bill there is a presence of God that has just entered the set, and I believe that you can pray for people right now and they are going to be healed, can you do that?

BILL:  I would love to, I would love to. Father I ask that the presence of the Holy Spirit be released throughout this entire viewing audience. And I come against that spirit of infirmity that has kept people locked up in disease; that devil of arthritis, cancer I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. And for those who have been in accidents, that have been afflicted for twenty or thirty years or longer, God we pray for your mercy to invade those situations and again we come against the spirit of infirmity that has sustained the effects of this accident. I rebuke you in Jesus name and we release the healing grace of the Lord throughout this land. God our cry is for you to raise the water level in the church for the miraculous where Jesus receives the glory because we just obey and do the stuff. God I ask for that in the name of Jesus.

SID:  You know Bill, as you were praying that I literally felt like I saw someone with a neck brace, or one of these collars you know from having been in an accident. If you’ll just take it off, you’ll find that you just don’t need it. You already are back to better than before you had your accident. Bill, I believe that God has given you a very, very special presence and I believe in the impartation of this presence. Would you pray for those who want more? Is that you? Do you want more? I’m going to ask: at any cost, that’s the question. Do you want more at any cost? Tell God, don’t tell me, don’t tell Bill; tell God he’s the only one that can do this. People are still being healed; I mean it’s almost like popcorn right now, Bill I want you to pray for those who want more at any cost. And by the way, I’m going to grab your hand because I want to get in on this.

BILL:  There is somebody who was in an accident 18 years ago; specifically 18 years, and you’ve suffered with problems in your spine, I think it’s going down into the hip area as well; and 18 years have gone by and the Lord is going to release a healing grace for that right now. If you get up and try to do what you could not do before, you’ll find that the Lord has restored what is impossible to restore. Let’s do that let’s pray for that release of grace. Lord we pray right now in the name of Jesus for the release of supernatural grace; the grace for miracles, for healings, for deliverances, to increase throughout this viewing audience; for your church of this nation; for the nations of the world. God help us to stand in that place and release that grace for miracles, the grace for miracles; the signs that point to you. Let them be released throughout the church in greater measures. We cry for that in the name of Jesus, Amen.

SID:  You know what I believe? I believe that if you sincerely hunger and thirst for righteousness you will be filled. And righteousness is intimacy with God. It begins with intimacy with God. It is intimacy with God. It ends with intimacy with God. The truth is it never ends you just slip right out of your earth suit and go to heaven. But you have a job to do here and your job is not to look at the back of someone’s head in church for fifty years. You are to do the works of the Messiah. Number one: repent of your sins; tell God you’re sorry. Number two: ask for his help to overcome these things in your life and say with your own mouth I make you Lord Jesus; come and live inside of me. And then: pray like Bill prayed. I want more at any cost; I mean literally give God no rest, get desperate; make your life count. Aren’t you tired of the same old same old? There is nothing more exciting than two things. This is the prayer in my heart I’m going to have to tell you the prayer in my heart is. God I want to hear your voice and I want to be obedient. I really do. I mean this life is just a blink of the eye compared to eternity. Why would you want to waste it? The highest adventure in the world is walking with God; it’s for you, it’s not for special people – it’s a special God.

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