sidroth on August 24th, 2023

CLARICE: “Couldn’t find the words anywhere, you know, to sing with ‘em!”And he says, “And then when they were singin’ in English it was all about blood!” There was blood in the fountain! There was blood to make you white! There was blood. It was the bloodiest song service I ever heard in my life!

Audience: [laughter]

CLARICE: Turn to your neighbor and say, “We’ve not been this way before!”

Audience: We’ve not been this way before!

CLARICE: He says, “Well.” He said, “As soon as the Greek and Hebrew choir quit singing,” he said, he said, “Clarice, it just made the hair stand on the back of my neck! They’re really good!” And I said, “They are?” And he says, “Yeah! And they had three men that had memorized the King James Bible!” And I said, “Really?” And he said, “Yeah, because after the choir sang they’d say, ëYea! Thus sayeth the Lord thy God, for my hand is upon these people.’” He said, “Man! They are incredible!”

Audience: [laughing]

CLARICE: And he says, “I think it could be culturally enriching if you go back with me! They’re going to have a meeting today!” At this point, God turns to the 24 elders and He says, “You boys come watch this!”

Audience: [laughing] Hallelujah!

CLARICE: Enjoy! [laughs]

Audience: [laughing]

CLARICE: So we go to the meeting. Now George is in the real estate business and we were known as the “Affluent Fluitt’s!” And I was much younger and much cuter! And so [laughs] I didn’t have good sense and I had a skirt on that was almost there. And they –

Audience: [laughing]

CLARICE: Oh, it was just awful! It was just awful! And those were the days that Pentecostals believed God could do anything except saving a Catholic! So when we come in they all know who we are! We’re going to the Holiday Inn and they – I mean I told my husband, I said, “If one more man hugs you, we’re going to have to leave!” I mean you know because everybody was wanting to get their hand on. We were Mission Impossible. You know they wanted to be a part of this and they’d come and say, “Hey, brother! How you doin’?” and then hug his neck. And I thought “Wow! What a strange place this is! All this lovin’ goin’ on!” And they’d bump into you. I know that they were tryin’ to cast the devil out of us! I understand they were – 

Audience: [laughing]

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sidroth on August 12th, 2023

CLARICE: So you’all want to take a deep breath here?

SID: [laughs]

CLARICE: I’ll soon be 78! Okay.

Audience: Oohh! Wow! Whooo! Whooo! Whooo! [applause]

CLARICE: So you can’t out talk me! [laughs]

SID: [laughs]

Audience: [laughter]

CLARICE: I mean that’s just what it is! But anyway I became a part of that tour and they gave me the opportunity to give a presentation to present salvation to these people that were coming. But the only trick was you can’t talk about Jesus directly. You’ve got to find an indirect way to be able to do this. But you know with God all things are possible and the marketplace is so hungry! Men and women are looking for God! And this one place we were in New Orleans and I did a three-minute presentation and over 700 people made a profession of faith! So –

Audience: [applause]

CLARICE: We’re seeing some incredible things happen!

SID: Okay! So you got a couple of extremes and now you’re going to really get the extreme!

CLARICE: Ahh! God bless you!

SID: Go for it!

CLARICE: Thank you so much! Hallelujah!

Audience: [applause]

CLARICE: It is indeed a joy to have the opportunity to be with you today! And I believe that our Lord and Savior was an incredible storyteller! I believe that He could reduce knowledge to a level of comprehension that ordinary people comprehended extraordinary things! If He was talking to fishermen He talked about fish. If He was talking to farmers He talked about crops. You know whoever He was talking to He could break it down so that they could understand and relate to ordinary things. And most of you are aware that I am working not in a secular job as such because I don’t believe anything is secular. I think everything is spiritual! Wherever God plants you that you’re going to grow! And for over 40 years my husband and I pastored in churches and had the opportunity to raise up many, many churches! And then suddenly God changes! I hope you’re here to listen to what I’m saying! This is a season of incredible change! This is a time that God is saying, “I’m taking away the old to bring you the new!” And He says, “I’m taking it away because you won’t give it up!” [laughs]  

Audience: [laughs]

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sidroth on August 1st, 2023

SID: A few months after you arrived in prison, you’re a non-believer, God uses you in healing. Explain.

DAVID:: God set me up. I think when God has a call on your life, it’s really difficult to mess it up. What happened was, I was divinely positioned in a prison cell in building 63 in Leavenworth Penitentiary where the Birdman of Alcatraz actually had his birds.

SID: Oh.

DAVID:: It wasn’t in California. It was in Leavenworth penitentiary in Kansas. At that time had cockroaches. It was cement and metal. It was absolutely miserable. So I went from penthouses to the prison house in the penitentiary, in what they referred to as the SHU, the solitary housing unit. And here we were. There was a man in my cell. His name was Shane. Shane had five compression fractures and three blown discs in his back. My co-defendant Vic was a chiropractor, a licensed chiropractor that used to see a hundred patients a week. He couldn’t help Shane because of the broken back.

Every day, Shane would listen to a radio preacher, and he would pray the prayer of faith, and nothing would happen. Finally one day, Vic says to Shane, “You have the back of a decrepit, 85 year old man in bad health. Shane, you will always have back problems regardless of medical treatment.” And Shane looked back at Vic. He said, “I don’t receive that. I believe God will heal me. And I’m waiting on my miracle.” Thirty minutes later, the radio broadcast comes on, and I looked at poor miserable Shane. He had his headphones on. And I said, “God, if you’re real, I’m not asking for myself, I’m asking for Shane who claims to be your servant. I’m asking you to heal him right now.”

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sidroth on July 28th, 2023

HAKEEM: And there are even some people that are even right now that are watching that I believe that God wants to really unlock some things! It will take the prophetic word to unlock your destiny. It will take the word of God, the mind of God concerning you to begin to cause you to bring forth, to birth forth! There’s a prophetic breakthrough that’s coming to you right now! I’m telling you right now even you say “well I don’t know what prophecy is.” “I don’t know what – you know I never received a prophecy from a prophet or I don’t know.” But whatever you’re believing God for whether it’s a miracle, whether it’s a healing, whether it’s financial breakthrough I believe the word of the Lord is coming today right now and to meet you right where you are! And the Lord knows your address and I’m telling you, you’re in this season right now to give forth birth, to bring forth the promises of God and today is your season!

KYNAN: Mmm! Wow! In Jesus’ name! 


KYNAN: You know while you were talking I was reminded, the Lord dropped in my spirit the prophet Daniel.


KYNAN: And one of the things, when we look at the life of Daniel is that the scripture tells us when we look at Daniel chapter 9, “He was reading the scroll which was written by a prophet.”

HAKEEM: Right.

KYNAN: You know this was a prophecy concerning Israel. And as he was reading this prophetic word it prompted him to pray in another dimension!

NAIM: Uh-huh!

KYNAN: And as he begins to pray everything that was held up in the heavenly realm begin to be released!


NAIM: Yes!

KYNAN: And when the angel comes he says you know there was warfare going on.


KYNAN: There were things happening in the atmosphere. So we see that the prophetic releases things into the atmosphere.

HAKEEM: Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

KYNAN: It releases things that have been locked up, delayed, stagnated. Things that people have prayed about, that they’ve never been able to enter into the manifestation of. And the prophecy seems to be that key that unlocks breakthrough. That unlocks release.

HAKEEM: That’s right.

KYNAN: That unlocks healing.

NAIM: Absolutely!

KYNAN: You know and it’s very profound because we have a whole generation that has never fully understood the power of the prophetic!


KYNAN: And I believe that that’s why that the prophetic has been under so much attack, under so much scrutiny.

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sidroth on July 17th, 2023

PAT: You know the Bible says, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we get to be called His child.” There’s somebody that’s watching right now by camera, and their dad either never showed up or dad walked out or all of those different things and yet they are in a frozen state. They are in a state of the moment the pain struck. Speak to that. Almost theophosticly. Speak to that moment when they began to die instead of live.   

DAVE: Yeah. Well, one of the things that I would encourage people to do is to learn how to trust. First trust Jesus personally.

PAT: That’s good.

DAVE: Allow Jesus to take away the pain, the loneliness, the fear, the sadness, the anger, the disappointment that you’ve had because of your lack of a good father figure. And then ask the Father to reveal Himself to you as He really is and you will have an encounter with the Father! A positive encounter. A loving encounter. I guarantee it if you ask Him to meet you in that wounded place, He’ll meet you there and He’ll show you who He really is!

PAT: You know I just love to see when people begin to represent God right. I think for years even in the church the very concept of Father has been taught wrong and obviously, we haven’t all read the resume of God. You know John 14 is a great resume. “He will not leave you as an orphan.” Speak to the orphan spirit on camera right now! And talk to those that feel like how can God love me? I’ve made too many mistakes or I’ve been through bad things. Speak to those people.

DAVE: He has already forgiven! He has already forgotten! He says as, you know, they’ve been thrown into the sea, cast into the bottom of the sea. I remember them no more as far as the east is from the west. God is not remembering counting your sins against you! He is not punishing you because you’ve made mistakes! He wants you to understand that He has already forgiven you! He loves you unconditionally! And He is waiting for you to step toward Him like the prodigal son. As soon as the prodigal son turned toward the father, the father ran toward him! 

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sidroth on July 5th, 2023

DAVE: Praying for decades for darkness to be exposed in government and we are now seeing in these days the answer to those prayers! We’re watching it happen right now! We’ve been praying for darkness to be exposed and it is being exposed and we’re seeing it happen!

PAT: You know I believe with all my heart that the wind of revival is coming towards America. I believe that we’re about to step into a season of harvest like we’ve never seen. And that leads me to just kind of your history. Your history is pretty amazing. I’ll never forget the first time I heard about you and the Praying Paramedic. And take us into that. Tell us how God used you. You know a paramedic for 30 years and the last two years you’ve stepped into full-time ministry just travelling, writing books, all those things. But one of the things that when I began to hear about how you would minister to people and how God used you. Almost an angel on assignment! Walking in that type of anointing. Tell us. Walk us into that! 

DAVE: Well as you know I was an atheist for most of my life 

PAT: Right.

DAVE: I became a believer when I was 38 years old. And not long after that I had a dream where I met the Lord in the dream and He said, “I’m going to show you what’s wrong with your patients. I want you to pray for them and when you do I’ll heal them.”

PAT: Okay. So wait a minute. So you met the Lord. He came and visit – you know my wife and I always joke we have a sleep disorder called revelation.

DAVE: Yes! [Laughs]

PAT: Most people do not know that God enjoys meeting you in your dreams! Take us deeper into that really quick because that kind of stirs my spirit!

DAVE: Well that was the first dream I’d had in 25 years!

PAT: Wow!

DAVE: I’d never had any dreams since I was probably 21 years old.

PAT: Wow!

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sidroth on June 23rd, 2023

Listen up at home. Because whatever you believe you’re going to die with that. Okay? You can look in my face and say “I believe in this.” All right? I don’t believe there’s any judgments. All right. All right. You might get 80 years. Then you get to face what you talking about. So it doesn’t matter to me. Theologians. Psssh. It doesn’t matter to me. All the false teachers that are running around the planet. Doesn’t matter to me. I’m being invited to speak on all the top channels all over the place and, and I told one producer, I told one, and you’d know who he was, big time, I told him I said when I come on its going to be very dirty.

You know that don’t you? He said, “Yes, sir, I do.” And I said it’s just going to be you, your wife, me and my wife. And I said we’re going to be talking about war. Spiritual death. The damning of this nation. I said it’s going to be dirty. War is dirty. Death is dirty. Digging for souls that have died in this avalanche is hard work. It’s dirty. So I’m at the place right now guys where nothing matters anymore. You hear me? It just doesn’t matter.

Okay? Did you know within a few short years everyone one of us here and everyone listening at home within a few short years you will be standing before Him! Teenagers! A few short years. Grandpa, grandma! A few short years. You will be standing before the King of kings and the Lord of lords. No matter how young you think you are, no matter how young you think you feel, no matter how invincible you feel, few short years it’s all coming down. It’s all coming down and you will stand before him. And we’ll give an account for how you lived.

And so I don’t know how long I have. I said to Jesus, “Lord, I’ll make a deal with ya.” This was when I was lying in the hospice bed. I’ll make a deal with ya. You want me to come home? Nobody on planet earth wants to come home more than I do. To die is gain. I have no fear of death, Jesus. I’m ready. If you want me home, take me home. You want me here? Leave me here?

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sidroth on June 12th, 2023

Send the glory of Your Presence. That I find rest for my soul. In the depths of Your love, I love, I love, I love You Jesus. I love, I love, I love Your Presence. I love Your Presence Lord. And the glory, and the glory, oh in the glory, of Your Presence, I find my rest for my soul. In the depths, oh in the depths of Your love, I find peace, oh I find peace, the peace makes me whole. And I love, I love, say I love Your Presence, I love Your Presence, I love, I love, I love Your Presence. I love, I love, I love You Jesus. I love, I love, because I love Your Presence. I Love Your Presence, God. Love Your Presence, Love, Your Presence Holy is the Lord. I love You Jesus.

SID: You may be seated. Just before Steve comes and shares, something was triggered in me that I want to say to you. Because there is a fear of money, a fear of man, many churches and many Christian television shows and many Christian networks would never let what Steve has said be the average message.

AUDIENCE: That’s right!

SID: Well, God knew what He was doing. He waited until I reached age 72 to entrust this to me.


SID:  Frankly I don’t care. Frankly if I lose my ministry so what! It’s God’s ministry!

AUDIENCE: Whooo! Yes! Yeah! (APPLAUSE) SID:  And, this, this is what I feel like God is showing me. I just interviewed a man, you probably saw him. I interviewed him on TBN on the Night of Miracles. Peter Gammons, and I was just at his tent ministry in Orlando Florida. And he wrote me a letter as a result of being on my show. Now this is before we have our network. This is what we’re doing right now. But this is what he said. He said last Tuesday, one day, I got email as a result of being on your show from the following places. Listen to this list: Israel, across the Middle East including Dubai, Emirates and Oman.

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sidroth on June 6th, 2023

PERRY: All right. In the time of the Temple, most of you know this, this is a 7 branch candlestick six foot tall made of 24-carat gold called the “Menorah.” And it had to be a refreshing with oil every morning. But in the refreshing of the oil I found out, I think Edersheim the author Edersheim, is the one that wrote about this, he has all the documentation on it, I believe it was him. But he said when the, when the High Priest went to clean the Menorah he would cl— he would snuff out the five lights to, to put a new wick in and new oil in 5 branches but he left 2 burning. Now stay with me because I’m going to show you something. He left two burning. And then he would use these 2 to relight these and then he would go and put fresh oil and wicks in the last 2. But why’d he leave 2 burning? Why’d he leave the, the “servant branch” burning? Why’d he clean four but the two far in? Because in the Book of Revelation there are 7 churches. Those 7 churches are the 7 candlesticks. Now you ready for this? Five of them their light was going out and Jesus rebuked them and two of them He said good things about!

AUDIENCE: Wow. That’s something.

PERRY: Now how do you like that for a Temple parallel from the Book of Revelation? You see what I’m saying? Seven branches. Five go out and have to be cleaned, cleaned up! New oil! And five messages to those churches “Your light’s going out.” You’re letting, you know you’re being seduced. He rebuked five of them and let them have it! But Philadelphia, and there was another one He said something good about, so was it Smyrna, I think he said something good about, two of them He said something good about. Meaning two of the lights were burning bright and five were going out. Exactly what was happening in the Temple every day! All right? Now another thing, and I got to, I got to, I got to get into this and this gets for some Christian people that don’t understand the culture of that day, some believers they don’t quite understand it when you talk about this because they say “that sounds a little bit like astrology.” There’s a difference between Christian astronomy and astrology because astrology says that the stars determine your outcome of life which is total hokey, which is forbidden in the Torah and forbidden by God. Christian astronomy is understanding the signs. What did Jesus say? Jesus said “there going to be signs in the sun, moon and stars.” Well if there is than we’d better understand the sun, moon and stars a little bit to understand what the signs are! All right. Now saying, having said that, Christ says, talks about in my right hand there were seven stars. Remember that? And you got seven pastors of 7 churches. Now I always, this always, this always bugged me, you say “Why does he put 7 stars in his hand? There must be something in space that has “7” in it. Oh, did I ever find out what it was! Anybody want to hear?


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sidroth on May 26th, 2023

It also means that when the dead in Christ rise they will be risen, they will raise up with all the dead in Christ for the past 1900 and 88, 1900 and 90 years or however long until the Lord comes and then all of us who are living will be caught up. And it means that those to whom the Book was addressed have to be present when the seals are opened. Now what that means is that’s a strong argument for “Pre-Tribulation catching away.”

Because it’s not just He’s going to come for partial church or partial dead in Christ, THE dead, meaning all the dead in Christ are going to rise at the same time. And so this is interesting. Now the second thing I want to tell you that, that intrigued me when I started doing the study now I’ve, I’ve been in church all my life. I said one time I was born in church, I really wasn’t, I was born in a hospital like everybody else.

That’s just an expression we ministers say, “I’s been raised in church, born in church.” But uh, we did not teach a lot from the Book of Revelation. I have a good friend of mine named Donald Perkins, he’s an African-American brother, and I said “When you grew up, Donald, did they preach a lot on the Book?” And he said, “No, as a matter of fact they told you to stay away from it when I grew up.” And I said, “Why did they do that?” They said, “Well they were so afraid of misinterpreting it because of the curse that’s placed on misinterpreting it, that we just, He said, “Honestly, Perry, we left the Book alone. We don’t preach from it, we don’t mess….” But here’s the thing. When you, when you interpret the Book of Revelation, please understand this, the Bible interprets itself.

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